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  • Case Notes 44.1

    Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing) Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Melons Steps Mark (M) PPRRAADDDDDWK. Eliminate (E) irrelevant information. Launch (L) the […] More

  • Reading 43 B2

    Cochlear Implantation: Recommendations This technology appraisal examined the currently available devices for cochlear implantation. Unilateral cochlear implantation is recommended as an option for people with severe to profound deafness who do not receive adequate benefit from acoustic hearing aids. If different cochlear implant systems are considered to be equally appropriate, the least costly should be […] More

  • Listening 43 B1

    General Guidelines for Eye-drop Application These guidelines give general advice on how to use most eye drops. However, you may be given specific instructions which may vary from the advice below. After thoroughly washing your hands, sit or stand in front of a mirror. Bend your head backwards and gently pull your lower eyelid down. […] More

  • Case Notes 43.1 Nursing

    Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing) Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Details to Fill In: CANDIDATE NAME. ROLE NUMBER. DATE OF BIRTH. VENUE […] More

  • OET Grammar 42

    We say “She is diabetic” and “She has diabetes. Also, it is “He is hypertensive” and “He has hypertension.” However, we make mistakes. Below are some sentences with blanks. Make a smart choice between has or is or noun forms or adjective forms for completing these sentences. Let’s Play, seriously! Before your start, read these […] More

  • OET Warm Up Questions

    Can you tell me about your professional background? Answer: I have been working as a registered nurse for the past five years. I completed my nursing degree at XYZ University and have gained experience in various departments, including emergency, pediatrics, and general medicine. Currently, I am working in a medical-surgical ward where I handle a […] More

  • OET Speaking 42

    Role Play Card Interlocutor’s Role Play Card Patient Setting: Hospital Ward You are a 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer recovering in hospital from a broken leg due to a fall at home. The surgeon saw you today and has stated you are ready for discharge. However, you would prefer to stay longer in hospital as you like […] More

  • Case Notes 42

    Occupational English test Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows. Notes: You are […] More

  • OET Listening Answer Keys

    The following answers are 99% accurate. If you notice any variation or inconsistency, kindly comment below. Melons 41 Part A district stiff feeling prescribed barium meal tumour small part pethidine marijuana depressed suicide counselling (session) yoga unbearable pain something treatment MRI pinched nerve nothing conservative unable to work Magnetism Imaging 4-6 weeks symptomsing (session) Part […] More

  • Speaking 41 with Role Play

    Role Play Card 41 Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: Community Health Centre You are a 35-year-old vegetarian who does not cook owing to a hectic lifestyle, and mainly relies on ready meals for convenience. You drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day. Lately, you’ve been feeling exhausted. Your doctor has explained that you have […] More

  • Case Notes 41 Nursing

    Occupational English Test Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows. Notes: Assume that […] More

  • OET Speaking Eligibility Test

    This is your OET Speaking Eligibility Test. You can do this test only once. You should get a minimum of 90% to Book your OET exam. More

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