Case Notes Free – Chuck Hooper
Occupational English Test – Nursing
Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.
Imagine that today is 4th August, 2024. Mr Chuck Hooper is recovering after a time of paralysis and you are his nurse assisting him at home from Sphinx Rehabilitation Centre, Sydney.
Patient Details:
- Name: Chuck Hooper.
- Age: 37 years.
- Height: 6 ft; Weight: 82 kg
- Admission: January 25, 2024
- Discharged: Feb 28, 2024
- Wife: Marcy Hooper, 32 years.
- Children: No.
- University football player
- Zonal Sales manager (chemical company)
January 15, 2024
- Car collision (while returning from a pet shop with their new dog – Doberman pinscher, “Duke”)
- Subdural hemorrhage (motor section of the brain).
- Complete L paralysis. Speech fully impaired. Double vision.
- In critical list for a month. Company allows 1 year off.
- Duke taken care of by a neighbor.
- Chuck under his GP Dr Ivan Hughes’ care.
- Mr. Alva Spence (physiotherapist) joins the team.
February 28, 2024
- Discharged from hospital to continue treatment at home.
- In wheelchair. Initiated Physiotherapy with bath + exercise + wheeled walker.
- Nil progress.
March, 01, 2024
- Emotionally low. (Marcy was found crying).
- Left alone at home. Duke still in the neighbor’s kennel.
March 15
- Duke brought home.
- Chuck fell badly (Reports Marcy: “He wanted to be standing up to show Duke that he was alright.”)
April 03 – 13
- Deteriorating health.
- Nil progress. Socially and emotionally at the lowest.
- Holding to Duke’s belt and trying to talk to the dog.
- His GP Dr Ivan Hughes visits Chuck at home.
- April 09: Progress: 4 steps.
- April 11: Progress: 12 steps but fell badly.
- April 13: Progress: Walked ten metres.
July 30
- Physiotherapy with weights, pulleys and whirlpool baths (Mr Alva Spence).
- Started receiving assistance from Sphinx Rehabilitation Centre (Ms Emma Nova).
August 4
- Chuck walked 200 to the local branch office of his company.
- Worked for 2 hours.
- Is determined to join the company full time from October.
- Discussed Chuck’s progress with his GP at the hospital.
- GP thinks that Duke has been pivotal to Chuck’s progress.
- Considers involving animal assisted therapy for further treatment.
- Contact an animal assisted therapist.
- Review after 1 month of AAT.
Writing Task
You are Ms Emma Noa, Chuck Hooper’s nurse at his home. Write a letter to Mr Kevin Sharma, Animal-assisted Therapy (AAT) Centre, Golden Circle, Sydney, requesting his involvement in the care of Chuck with the assistance of Duke. Include the medical and social background of the case.
In your answer:
- Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences.
- Do not use note form.
- Use letter format.