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Reading 53 B4

Clear Communication

Medical personnel are so immersed in jargon that it becomes part of their daily speech The patient may not understand the words or may have a different idea of their meaning. Technical words such as myocardial infarction are in obvious need of avoidance or explanation. Consider also terms such as exacerbate, chronic, numb, and sputum – these may seem obvious in meaning to you but not to the patient. You may think that some terms such as angina and migraine are so well-known that they don’t need explanation, but these are very often misinterpreted.

  • Question of

    The passage supports the statement that:

    • Patients and medical personnel should use the same language.
    • Some words may be interpreted differently by non-medical people.
    • Patients should be explained about anginas and migraines.

    Correct Wrong

Written by englishmelon

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Reading 53 B3

IBDP English A Areas of Exploration | AOE