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IELTS Short Questions

You can learn the following questions and answers for the IELTS introductory Speaking.

What’s your name?

My name is ________________. I was named after my grandfather, who was a well-respected member of our community. My parents chose this name because they wanted to honor him and his legacy. Growing up, I always liked my name because it is simple and easy to remember. It also has a nice ring to it. I feel that having a common name has its advantages, as it often makes introductions and interactions with others straightforward and uncomplicated. Overall, I am quite happy with my name and the story behind it.

Where are you from?

I’m from ____________, _____________. It’s a vibrant city known for its friendly people and beautiful weather. _______________ is located in _______________, and it’s famous for its sunny climate, which we enjoy almost all year round. The city has a mix of modern and historic architecture, which gives it a unique charm. One of my favorite places in _______________ is _____________________, where you can enjoy walking along the river, swimming in the man-made beach, or dining at one of the many restaurants. Brisbane also has a strong cultural scene with various festivals and events.

Do you work or study?

I work as a software engineer. My job involves designing, coding, and testing software applications to meet specific user needs. I enjoy the challenges that come with solving complex problems and finding efficient solutions. Each day, I get to work on different projects, which keeps the job interesting and dynamic. Additionally, I collaborate with a team of talented individuals who share the same passion for technology. This allows us to learn from each other and continuously improve our skills. I find great satisfaction in seeing a project through from start to finish and witnessing its impact.

What do you like about your job?

I enjoy solving problems and creating new things in my job. As a software engineer, I often encounter challenging issues that require innovative solutions. This problem-solving aspect keeps the job engaging and stimulating. I also love the creative process of designing new software applications. It feels rewarding to turn an idea into a functional product that can help others. Additionally, the field of technology is always evolving, so there are constant opportunities for learning and growth. Working with a supportive and skilled team adds to the enjoyment, as we collaborate and achieve our goals together.

Do you like reading?

Yes, I love reading mystery novels. Reading has been a favorite pastime of mine since childhood. Mystery novels, in particular, captivate my interest with their intriguing plots and clever twists. I enjoy trying to piece together the clues and solve the mystery before the book reveals the answer. It’s a great way to keep my mind sharp and engaged. Moreover, reading allows me to escape into different worlds and experience various perspectives. It’s a relaxing and enriching activity that I can do anywhere, whether I’m at home, on a train, or waiting in line.

What kind of books do you prefer?

I prefer fiction, especially thrillers and mysteries. Fiction allows me to explore imaginative worlds and experience lives different from my own. Thrillers and mysteries, in particular, keep me on the edge of my seat with their suspenseful and gripping plots. I enjoy the mental challenge of figuring out the story’s twists and turns. These genres often feature complex characters and intricate storylines, which make them compelling reads. Additionally, I appreciate the creativity and craftsmanship that go into writing a well-crafted mystery or thriller. It’s fascinating to see how authors build tension and keep readers hooked until the very end.

How often do you watch TV?

I watch TV for about an hour every evening. It’s a great way for me to unwind after a long day at work. I enjoy catching up on my favorite shows or watching a new series that has received good reviews. Watching TV helps me relax and take my mind off any stress or worries. I prefer a mix of genres, including comedies, dramas, and documentaries. This variety keeps my viewing experience interesting and enjoyable. Additionally, I sometimes watch TV with my family, which provides a nice opportunity for us to spend quality time together and discuss the shows we watch.

What’s your favorite TV show?

My favorite TV show is “Friends.” It’s a classic sitcom that never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times I watch it. The show’s humor is timeless, and the characters are incredibly relatable. Each character has their unique personality, which adds to the show’s charm and appeal. I also enjoy the storylines, which are both entertaining and heartwarming. The show’s portrayal of friendship and the ups and downs of life resonates with me. Watching “Friends” is a great way to relax and lift my spirits, and it always leaves me in a good mood.

Do you play any sports?

Yes, I play soccer. Soccer has been a passion of mine since I was a child. I enjoy the physical activity and the teamwork involved in the sport. Playing soccer helps me stay fit and healthy, and it’s a great way to relieve stress. I usually play with a local team on weekends, and we often have friendly matches with other teams in the community. The camaraderie and competition make the experience enjoyable and rewarding. Additionally, soccer has taught me valuable skills such as discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship, which are applicable in various aspects of life.

Do you like cooking?

Yes, I enjoy cooking. It’s a creative and relaxing activity for me. I like experimenting with different recipes and ingredients to create delicious meals. Cooking at home allows me to control what I eat and make healthier choices. It’s also a way for me to express my creativity and try new things. I often cook for my family and friends, and I find it satisfying to see them enjoy the meals I prepare. Additionally, cooking together with loved ones can be a fun and bonding experience. Overall, cooking is a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for me.

What’s your favorite dish to cook?

My favorite dish to cook is spaghetti carbonara. It’s a simple yet delicious Italian dish that always impresses. I enjoy the process of making it, from boiling the pasta to preparing the creamy sauce with eggs, cheese, pancetta, and pepper. The combination of flavors is rich and satisfying. I also appreciate how quickly it can be made, which makes it perfect for both weeknight dinners and special occasions. Cooking spaghetti carbonara allows me to showcase my culinary skills while creating a comforting and tasty meal. It’s always a hit with my family and friends.

Do you prefer eating out or eating at home?

I prefer eating at home. While eating out can be convenient and enjoyable, I find that home-cooked meals are more satisfying and healthier. Cooking at home allows me to experiment with different recipes and control the ingredients used. It’s also more cost-effective and provides a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, I enjoy the comfort and relaxation of dining in my own home, without the noise and hustle of a restaurant. Sharing a meal at home with family or friends is a great way to bond and create lasting memories. Overall, I find eating at home to be a more fulfilling experience.

Do you like to travel?

Yes, I love to travel. Traveling allows me to explore new places, experience different cultures, and meet interesting people. I find it exciting to discover the history, traditions, and cuisine of different destinations. Each trip is an adventure that broadens my horizons and enriches my perspective. I also enjoy the sense of freedom and relaxation that comes with being away from my daily routine. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or an international trip, traveling always leaves me with wonderful memories and stories to share. It’s a passion that continually inspires and rejuvenates me.

Where was your last vacation?

My last vacation was in Japan. It was an incredible experience filled with fascinating sights and cultural discoveries. I visited Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, each offering its unique charm. In Tokyo, I explored the bustling city life and visited iconic landmarks like the Tokyo Tower and Senso-ji Temple. Kyoto’s serene temples, traditional tea houses, and beautiful gardens provided a peaceful retreat. In Osaka, I enjoyed the vibrant food scene and tried delicious local dishes like takoyaki and okonomiyaki. The trip also included visits to historic sites, beautiful shrines, and stunning natural landscapes. Overall, it was an unforgettable adventure.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a dog named Max. Max is a golden retriever, and he has been a part of our family for five years. He is friendly, energetic, and loves to play. Max enjoys going for walks in the park, fetching balls, and swimming. He has a gentle temperament and gets along well with everyone, including children and other animals. Having Max as a pet brings a lot of joy and companionship into our lives. He is always there to greet us with enthusiasm and brightens up our days with his playful and affectionate nature.

What’s your favorite season?

My favorite season is spring. I love the mild weather and the sense of renewal that comes with this season. During spring, the days start to get longer, and everything begins to bloom. The flowers, trees, and plants come back to life, creating a colorful and vibrant environment. It’s also a great time for outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, and gardening. I find the fresh air and pleasant temperatures invigorating. Spring is a season of growth and new beginnings, which fills me with optimism and energy. It’s a beautiful and uplifting time of year.

Do you like to exercise?

Yes, I enjoy exercising. Regular physical activity is important for maintaining my health and well-being. I usually go to the gym three times a week, where I do a mix of cardio and strength training exercises. I also enjoy outdoor activities like running, cycling, and hiking. Exercising helps me stay fit, reduces stress, and improves my mood. It’s a great way to clear my mind and feel energized. Additionally, I sometimes join group fitness classes, which are fun and motivating. Overall, exercising is an essential part of my routine that I find both enjoyable and beneficial.

What’s your favorite hobby?

My favorite hobby is painting. I find it to be a relaxing and creative outlet. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and styles, whether it’s watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting. Creating art allows me to express my thoughts and emotions in a unique way. I often paint landscapes, portraits, and abstract pieces. It’s a rewarding process to see a blank canvas transform into a finished artwork. Painting also helps me unwind and focus my mind. It’s a hobby that brings me joy and a sense of accomplishment. Sharing my art with others is an added bonus.

Do you enjoy listening to music?

Yes, I love listening to music. Music has always been an important part of my life. It has the power to uplift my mood, provide comfort, and inspire me. I enjoy a wide range of genres, including pop, rock, classical, and jazz. Listening to music helps me relax and unwind, whether I’m at home, driving, or working out. I also enjoy discovering new artists and songs. Music brings people together and creates shared experiences. It’s a universal language that transcends boundaries and connects us emotionally. Overall, listening to music is a source of joy and enrichment for me.

What’s your favorite type of music?

My favorite type of music is rock. I enjoy the energy, powerful vocals, and guitar riffs that characterize this genre. Rock music has a dynamic and rebellious spirit that resonates with me. Some of my favorite bands include The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Queen. I appreciate both classic rock and modern rock, as each era has its unique sound and influence. Rock concerts are also an incredible experience, with their electrifying performances and passionate crowds. Listening to rock music helps me feel energized and motivated. It’s a genre that I never get tired of exploring and enjoying.

Do you like to dance?

Yes, I enjoy dancing. It’s a fun and expressive way to move my body and enjoy music. I’m not a professional dancer, but I love to dance at parties, weddings, and social gatherings. Dancing helps me feel free and joyful, and it’s a great way to connect with others. I like trying different styles, from salsa to hip-hop, and I often dance around the house when I’m in a good mood. It’s also a fantastic workout that keeps me fit and healthy. Overall, dancing is a delightful activity that brings a lot of happiness into my life.

Do you like watching movies?

Yes, I love watching movies. Movies provide a great escape and a way to experience different stories, cultures, and emotions. I enjoy a variety of genres, including action, comedy, drama, and science fiction. Watching movies is a favorite pastime that I often enjoy with family and friends. It’s a relaxing way to unwind and be entertained. I also appreciate the art of filmmaking and the creativity involved in bringing a story to life on screen. Whether it’s at the cinema or at home, watching movies is an enjoyable and enriching experience for me.

What’s your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is “The Shawshank Redemption.” It’s a powerful and moving story about hope, friendship, and resilience. The film is beautifully directed and features outstanding performances, particularly by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. I love the way the story unfolds, with its emotional depth and unexpected twists. The movie’s message about the power of hope and the human spirit resonates deeply with me. It’s a film that I can watch repeatedly and always find something new to appreciate. “The Shawshank Redemption” is not just a movie; it’s an inspiring and unforgettable cinematic experience.

Do you enjoy shopping?

Yes, I enjoy shopping. It’s a fun and sometimes therapeutic activity for me. I like browsing different stores and finding new items, whether it’s clothes, gadgets, or home decor. Shopping allows me to discover new trends and styles. I also enjoy shopping for gifts for family and friends, as it’s rewarding to find something that will make them happy. While I prefer in-store shopping for the experience, I also shop online for convenience. Overall, shopping is an enjoyable way to spend time and treat myself to something special. It’s a balance of necessity and pleasure.

Do you like going to the beach?

Yes, I love going to the beach. It’s one of my favorite ways to relax and enjoy nature. The sound of the waves, the feel of the sand, and the warmth of the sun create a perfect atmosphere for unwinding. I enjoy swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, and playing beach volleyball. The beach is also a great place for a picnic or a walk along the shore. Spending time at the beach makes me feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It’s a beautiful and tranquil environment where I can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

What do you do on weekends?

On weekends, I like to relax and recharge. I usually start with a leisurely breakfast and some exercise, like a jog in the park or a visit to the gym. I often spend time with family and friends, either going out for meals, watching movies, or playing games. Weekends are also a great time for hobbies, so I might work on a painting, read a book, or try a new recipe. Sometimes, I go on short trips or explore new places in my city. Overall, my weekends are a mix of relaxation, socializing, and personal interests.

Do you like to garden?

Yes, I enjoy gardening. It’s a peaceful and rewarding activity that allows me to connect with nature. I find it satisfying to plant seeds, nurture them, and watch them grow into beautiful flowers or vegetables. Gardening provides a sense of accomplishment and a break from the digital world. It’s also a great form of exercise and stress relief. I enjoy spending time outdoors, feeling the soil, and seeing the results of my hard work. Whether it’s tending to a small herb garden or a larger flower bed, gardening brings me joy and a sense of tranquility.

Do you like to draw?

Yes, I love to draw. Drawing has been a hobby of mine since childhood. It’s a creative outlet that allows me to express my thoughts and emotions visually. I enjoy experimenting with different styles and mediums, such as pencils, pens, and charcoal. Drawing helps me relax and focus, and it’s a great way to improve my observation and artistic skills. I often draw landscapes, portraits, and abstract designs. Sharing my drawings with others and receiving feedback is also gratifying. Overall, drawing is a fulfilling and enjoyable activity that brings a lot of happiness into my life.

Do you like playing video games?

Yes, I enjoy playing video games. It’s a fun and engaging way to unwind and challenge myself. I like a variety of games, including action, strategy, and adventure genres. Playing video games allows me to immerse myself in different worlds and stories. It’s also a great way to connect with friends, as we often play multiplayer games together. Video games help improve my problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordination. While I ensure to balance gaming with other activities, it remains a favorite pastime that provides entertainment and excitement. Overall, playing video games is a fun and enjoyable hobby.

Do you like to sing?

Yes, I love to sing. Singing is a joyful and expressive activity that I find very relaxing. I’m not a professional singer, but I enjoy singing along to my favorite songs, whether I’m at home, in the car, or at a karaoke night with friends. It’s a great way to lift my spirits and have fun. Singing also helps improve my mood and reduces stress. I enjoy exploring different genres, from pop and rock to classical and jazz. Overall, singing is a wonderful way to express myself and enjoy music. It’s a hobby that brings a lot of happiness into my life.

Do you like playing board games?

Yes, I enjoy playing board games. It’s a fun and social activity that brings people together. I love the challenge and strategy involved in many board games, from classics like chess and Monopoly to modern games like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Playing board games is a great way to spend quality time with family and friends. It encourages teamwork, critical thinking, and friendly competition. Board games also provide a break from screens and digital devices, allowing for more face-to-face interaction. Overall, playing board games is an enjoyable and enriching pastime.

Written by englishmelon

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