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Listening 40

Listen to the audio and read the transcript below:

Part A, Extract 1

Mister Martin, what brings you here today? 

Oh, well, I had a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty surgery on my right shoulder six weeks ago and I have a sling. For the past four weeks I’ve just been doing what the home health people tell me. I just can’t lift anything. I have no shoulder hypo-extension and I just need to rehabilitate from that surgery. 

So you said that you can’t lift things right now. How about like what things does your shoulder keep you from doing that you’d like to do? 

Ah, well, pretty much anything is difficult. I can’t hold anything that’s heavier than a coffee cup and I can’t support my own body weight. I can’t drive and I can’t really do many outdoor things like go fishing with my grandson and stuff. I also like to play catch with him, but I’m right handed and my shoulder hasn’t allowed me to do that since I had my surgery. To be honest, I was having a tough time doing that beforehand. 

Are there any other issues you face due to your shoulder, such as opening doors or while navigating through your house? 

Well, as long as I can do it with my left shoulder, that’s fine; but while doing anything, I just have kept my shoulder right here in the sling for most of the time. So I can’t really do anything with that. Like putting on a shirt. And things are hard when you have to brush your teeth left handed. It’s kind of weird as you don’t do it often. 

Yeah, I understand, Mister Martin, that’s hard. Well, I know you’ve had the surgery. Have you had anything else in your past, like a medical history? 

15 years ago I had a rotator cuff repair. I have played a lot of tennis in high school and in college, and I think doing all of that really put a lot of stress on my shoulder. So, I had surgery on that. And then the past year, I have had increased pain, weakness, and loss of range of motion in the shoulder here. 

Now, I want to know more about your past. Do you drink? 

I have a beer every once in a while.

Okay. How many times a week do you drink? 

I just have a couple on Saturdays. 

Okay. Do you smoke cigarettes? 

I don’t. I used to, but not anymore. 

Okay. I’d also like to go through some other details just to make sure everything else is fine. Have you had any history or currently any problems with your heart? 

I do have hypertension, but I take medication and that seems to take care of it. 

What medications are you taking? 

Right now i’m taking two medications with some goofy names, NSAIDs and tenorman. 

Okay. Those are anti-inflammatory drugs. How often do you take them? 

Well, I’m supposed to take NSAIDs, one a day for pain and tenorman, I think twice a day.

Do you live with your family? 

Yes, with my wife, Gretchen. 

What is your occupation? 

I was a school teacher for 28 years, so now I mostly do stuff for leisure. 


How much did you exercise before the surgery? 

You know, I tried to get out and we have a little dachshund, so I would get out and walk him every morning. I take him down to the high school that’s down from the house, and we do about a half mile on the track every day. It helps to kind of keep me limbo. 

Yeah, that’s pretty good exercise.

Now that you are moving a little bit, what do you think the pain is at right now? 

On a scale from zero being no pain, ten being the worst possible pain imaginable, it kind of fluctuates, but I would say most of the time it’s right around four. 

Okay. And does it ever get worse? 

Ah, in the mornings it’s a little stiff and that’s probably the most painful. Sometimes if I roll over in my sleep and that doesn’t feel very good.

Extract 2

Extract two, questions 13 – 24. You hear a dietician talking to a patient called Naomi Meyers. For questions 13 to 24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes. 

Hello, Naomi. How are you today? 

I’m doing good, thank you. How are you? 

I’m great. Thank you for asking. My name is Erin Kaminsky. I’m a registered dietitian here. And I understand that you were brought to me after a doctor’s appointment that you’ve had. Is that correct? 

Yes, it is.

Alright. Do you mind explaining to me how that appointment got you here today? 

Yeah, sure. I went to the doctor’s last week and we did some tests and found out that I have very high cholesterol. And so I have an appointment with you today because I would like to weigh out some of my options as opposed to immediately going on medication. 

Okay, great. So we’ll just get started by asking a few questions. What do you generally do to start off your typical weekday? 

Well, depending on what day of the week it is, I wake up between 6.30 and 7.30 in the morning. First thing I do is take a shower, brush my teeth, make a pot of coffee, get dressed and usually after that I start my work day. 

Alright. And what do you do for a living? 

I have three jobs. On Mondays and Tuesdays I do toxicology at the county medical examiner’s office for post mortem there. The rest of the week I work as a lab technician at Belmont’s Hospital. After an eight hour shift each day, I go straight to Ruby in downtown where I work as a bartender and a server. 

Wow. So you definitely are keeping busy throughout the week.

Do you think during all these busy work hours you had time for meals? 

I do. I don’t eat breakfast. It usually doesn’t make me feel too well. I have my coffee as my breakfast. There’s a lot of fast food places that I go to in between going to jobs or on my lunch break like Taco Bell, Burger King. There’s also a subway next to one of my jobs. Usually when I get home from work, especially if I’m at Ruby, I’m always really hungry so, i’ll grab some ice cream from Friendlys. 

Okay. And on a scale of one to 10, 10 being the most stressful, do you find yourself stressed working all these hours? 

I would say on a scale of one to ten, definitely close to a ten, around a nine. 

Okay, so you’re stressed out and do you think that has an effect on your eating habits? 

Having ice cream after a long day definitely makes me feel better at the end of the day, but I don’t think the stress has too much influence on my diet. 

Okay. All right. So do you live with anyone at home? 

I am currently living with my boyfriend. 

All right. Is there any type of exercise going on throughout all these busy days of yours? 

I used to run on the treadmill before I accumulated all my jobs, but now I don’t really find the time. 

All right. Does anyone in your family have high cholesterol as well? 

My dad is on medication for high cholesterol, and a lot of his siblings have high cholesterol.

So it’s kind of in the family. 

Oh yes, that is the end of part A. 

Now look at part b.

Part B. In this part of the test, you’ll hear six different extracts in each extract. Youll hear people talking in a different healthcare setting.

For questions 25 – 30, choose the answer a, b or c, which fits best according to what you heard. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

Written by englishmelon

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Case Notes 40.1

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