
OET Speaking 42

Role Play Card

Interlocutor’s Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward

You are a 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer recovering in hospital from a broken leg due to a fall at home. The surgeon saw you today and has stated you are ready for discharge. However, you would prefer to stay longer in hospital as you like the care and food there and are afraid your husband/wife will not care for you as well as the hospital does. The ward nurse is preparing you for your discharge but you dispute your readiness for this and ask to stay longer.


  • Tell the nurse that you want to stay in hospital rather than go home.
  • Answer the nurse’s questions about your reasons for this.
  • Reject the nurse’s suggestions for assistance at home after discharge.
  • Suggest that the hospital “only wants to get rid of “him/her to make room for patients. Be insistent about staying longer in hospital (“No one at home to care.” Can’t afford a nurse. Financial issues).
  • Reluctantly agree to discharge as advised.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

A 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer is a patient in your ward. He/she was admitted with a broken leg due to a fall at home but has now been given the all-clear from the surgeon for discharge today. You are with him/her to prepare for discharge


  • Ask the patient how he/she is feeling today and share the good news about being ready for discharge.
  • Ask the patient’s reasons for wanting to stay longer in hospital rather than going home today (no complications; usually people are glad to go home early; joining the family).
  • Encourage the patient to be positive about being discharged and explain resources available for help in the home (Community help for meals, visiting nurse, availability of mobility aids). Be sympathetic.
  • Respond to any further concerns the patient has as to reasons for being discharged today (Better care in the hospital; Social Care Groups; Charitable Organizations; Nil care is needed).
  • Be supportive when the patient agrees to discharge as advised.

Warm Up Questions


Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. My name is ______________. I will be your interlocutor for this test. Can I have your identification, please?

Candidate: ______________________________________.

Interlocutor: Could you please introduce yourself?

Candidate: ____________________________________________.

Thank you. Now, tell me, why did you choose to become a nurse?

Candidate: ________________________________________.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

Candidate: ____________________________________________.

Can you describe a typical day in your role as a nurse?

Candidate: _______________________________________________.

How do you handle stressful situations at work?

Candidate: _______________________________________________.

Thank you. Let’s now move to role play. You can read and prepare for the role play. You have 3 minutes for preparation.

Role Play

Nurse: Good morning, Mrs. Thompson. My name is Jane, and I’ll be helping you today. How are you feeling?

Patient: Good morning, Nurse Jane. I’m feeling alright, but I’d really prefer to stay here a bit longer.

Nurse: I understand, Mrs. Thompson. The surgeon mentioned that you’re ready for discharge today, which is good news. Why would you like to stay longer in the hospital?

Patient: I like the care and the food here. I’m afraid my husband won’t be able to take care of me as well as the hospital does.

Nurse: I can see why you’d feel that way. Many people find the transition from hospital to home a bit daunting. But usually, patients are happy to go home early and rejoin their families. Can you tell me more about your concerns?

Patient: Well, there’s no one at home to care for me properly. I can’t afford a nurse, and I have financial issues. I think the hospital just wants to get rid of me to make room for other patients.

Nurse: I assure you, Mrs. Thompson, that’s not the case at all. Your health and well-being are our top priorities. There are several resources available to help you at home. We can arrange community help for meals and a visiting nurse to check on you regularly. There are also mobility aids we can provide to make things easier for you.

Patient: I appreciate that, but I still think I’d be better off staying here. I’m worried that I won’t get the same level of care at home.

Nurse: It’s understandable to feel that way, but we want to ensure you’re comfortable and supported at home too. There are social care groups and charitable organizations that can offer additional help. Plus, you won’t need the same level of care at home as you did in the hospital since you’re on the mend.

Patient: I’m still not sure. I just feel safer here.

Nurse: Safety is very important. That’s why we’ll make sure everything is in place for you before you leave. We’ll also give you contact information for support services you can call anytime. It’s about making sure you’re comfortable and confident at home.

Patient: Well, if you’re sure it’s the best thing…

Nurse: We are, Mrs. Thompson. And remember, if you have any issues or feel you need more help, we’re just a phone call away. We’ll support you through this transition and beyond.

Patient: Alright then. I’ll trust your judgment and agree to be discharged.

Nurse: Thank you for your trust, Mrs. Thompson. Let’s go over the discharge process and the support we’ll set up for you at home.

Nurse: Now, Mrs. Thompson, let’s talk about your home environment. Do you have any stairs or obstacles that might be difficult to navigate with your broken leg?

Patient: Yes, there are a few stairs at the entrance and in the hallway.

Nurse: We can arrange for a temporary ramp and handrails to be installed to make it easier for you to move around safely. How does that sound?

Patient: That sounds helpful, but I’m still worried about getting up and down even with the ramp.

Nurse: It’s natural to be concerned, but we can also provide you with a walker or a wheelchair to use at home, which should help with mobility. Would you like to try using one before you leave?

Patient: Yes, I think that would make me feel more secure.

Nurse: Excellent. We’ll bring one in for you to practice with. Now, how about your medication? Are you comfortable managing your prescriptions at home?

Patient: I’ve never been good with remembering to take my pills. I’m afraid I’ll miss doses.

Nurse: We can set up a medication management plan for you. There are pill organizers and reminder systems that can help. Would you be interested in that?

Patient: Yes, I think that would help a lot.

Nurse: Great. We’ll make sure you have everything you need before you leave. Now, let’s talk about meals. Do you have access to healthy food at home?

Patient: Not really. My husband isn’t much of a cook, and I’m worried about eating properly.

Nurse: We can arrange for meal delivery services. They can provide nutritious meals right to your door. There are also community services that can assist with grocery shopping. Would that be useful?

Patient: Yes, very much so. I didn’t know these services were available.

Nurse: They are, and we’ll make sure you’re signed up before you leave. Do you have any other concerns about going home?

Patient: I’m still worried about being alone during the day when my husband is at work.

Nurse: That’s a valid concern. We can arrange for a home health aide to visit you during the day to help with daily tasks and keep you company. How does that sound?

Patient: That sounds reassuring. I’d like that.

Nurse: We’ll get that set up for you. Additionally, there are local senior centers that offer activities and social opportunities. Would you be interested in joining any of those?

Patient: Yes, I think that would be nice. I don’t want to feel isolated.

Nurse: Wonderful. I’ll provide you with information about the nearest center and the activities they offer. Now, let’s talk about follow-up care. You’ll need regular check-ups to monitor your recovery. Can your husband help you get to your appointments?

Patient: Yes, he can drive me to appointments, but I’m worried about being in pain during the ride.

Nurse: We can prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort. It’s important to stay on top of your pain so you can heal properly. Does that address your concern?

Patient: Yes, it does. Thank you for thinking of everything.

Nurse: It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Thompson. We want to make sure you’re completely comfortable and confident about going home. Do you have any other questions or worries?

Patient: I think you’ve covered everything, but I’m still a bit nervous.

Nurse: That’s perfectly normal. Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’ll be checking in on you, and you have a support network in place. It’s okay to feel nervous, but you’re going to do great.

Patient: Thank you, Nurse Jane. I feel more at ease now.

Nurse: You’re very welcome, Mrs. Thompson. Let’s finalize the discharge paperwork and go over the instructions once more. If you think of any more questions, just let me know.

Patient: Alright. Thank you for all your help.

Nurse: My pleasure. Let’s get you ready to head home, knowing that you have everything you need to continue your recovery.

Written by englishmelon

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Case Notes 42

OET Warm Up Questions