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OET Listening 50.25

You hear a physician explaining Micro Laparoscopic Pain Mapping procedure to the nurse.

  • Read the Question. Hit “Let’s Play” Quiz button.
  • Play the Audio above.
  • Make a careful selection.
  • Read the transcript on the “Explanation” Tab.

  • Question of

    The endometriosis will be tender:

    • While inserting a small bubble of gas inside the belly.
    • While touching with the laparoscope.
    • When there is pain.

    Correct Wrong

    Transcript: Micro Laparoscopic pain mapping. At times, finding the cause for pelvic pain becomes very difficult. This is especially true in the case of pelvic scar tissue, endometriosis, fibroids and other problems. In a pain mapping procedure, the patient is given some strong medication to make them sleep. After injecting local anesthetic medicine into the navel, the physician will insert a small bubble of gas inside the belly and insert a laparoscope of very tiny diameter inside the belly to look around. Another small instrument is inserted lower down on the belly and used to touch organs inside after the patient awakens. While touching the internal organs, the patient will denote whether the she / he is getting pain when touching specific organs. For instance, if the endometriosis is causing pain, it will be tender while touching the organ with the instrument. Moreover, when the patient experiences pain on the right side, it is difficult to make out whether the pain is in the ovary or the appendix. Therefore, pain mapping could help figure this out and help the physician pick the exact procedure.

  • Question of

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    • Finding the cause for pelvic pain is always very difficult.
    • Endometriosis does not give pain in the pelvis.
    • Pain mapping procedure is performed only when the patient is asleep.
    • A painful endometriosis means the endometrium is not tender.
    • A pain mapping procedure is performed under anaesthesia.
    • Pain mapping procedure is very expensive.

    Correct Wrong

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