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Case Notes 55.1 Nursing

Occupational English test – Writing (Nursing)


  • You have 45 minutes to write this letter.
  • During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil.
  • Start writing only when you are told.
  • During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes.

Melons Steps

  • Eliminate (E) irrelevant information.
  • Launch (L) the letter with DADR.
  • Open (O) the letter with PRPDD or PRPTT.
  • Narrate (N) the remaining paragraphs using V or W.
  • Sign (S) the letter with S/F.

Melons Errors

  • Punctuation “Marks”.
  • Follow “Expansion” Rules.
  • Obey “Language” Rules.
  • Have an “Order” (DADR, PRPDD, V/W, S/F)
  • Do not change “Names”.
  • Sex (Mr, Ms, Mrs, His, Her).

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Today’s Date: 10/08/2024

Hospital: Pine Hill Hospital, Brisbane.

Patient Details:

  • Name: Ingrid Larson.
  • Age: 72 years.
  • Address: 23 5th Avenue, Pine Country, Brisbane.
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Admission Date: 01/08/2024.
  • Discharge Date: 10/08/2024
  • Diagnosis: Fractured hip

Medical History

  • Anxiety disorder (diagnosed 2019).

Social, Economic, Psychological Background:

  • Lives in: Highgate, Owns house.
  • Income: Retired librarian.
  • Primary Caregiver: Husband (Daniel)
  • Financial Situation: Moderate
  • Socialization: Active community member

Admission Details:

  • Fell in garden, hip fracture.
  • Bruising and abrasions
  • Blood loss: Mild, no transfusion needed.
  • Surgery: Hip replacement done on 02/08/2024

Treatment and Progress:

  • 03/08/2024: Stable, mild pain (3/10), prescribed ibuprofen 400 mg.
  • 05/08/2024: Mild fever, paracetamol 500 mg administered, pain manageable.
  • 06/08/2024: Fever resolved, started on physiotherapy, and occupational therapy.
  • 09/08/2024: Preparing for discharge, wound clean and dry, no signs of infection


  • Social Worker Referral: For assistance and service continuation at home.
  • Home Modifications: Installation of handrails, bathroom modifications.
  • Aid Required: Walking frame, shower chair (not yet arranged).
  • Therapy: Continue physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
  • Wound Care: Daily dressing by community nurse (arranged).
  • Follow-Up: After 10 days (to be scheduled).
  • Support: Connect to local senior support groups (not arranged).

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to Mr. David Cooper, social worker, Adams Street, Highgate, Brisbane.

In your answer:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences (Do not use note form).
  • Eliminate irrelevant details.
  • Follow the MELONS Organization. Follow DADR, PRPDD / TT, V/W and S/F.
  • Punctuate appropriately with small and capital letters, full-stops, commas.
  • Use correct grammar. Insert “the” before body parts / organs.
  • Use letter format.

The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words. Do not pick your pencil during the 5 minutes of reading time.

Written by englishmelon

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