
Case Notes 48.1

Case Notes 48.1 Krit Palmer (Nursing)

Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing)


  • You have 45 minutes to write this letter.
  • During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil.
  • Start writing only when you are told.
  • During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes.

Melons Steps

  • Eliminate (E) irrelevant information.
  • Launch (L) the letter with DADR.
  • Open (O) the letter with PRPDD or PRPTT.
  • Narrate (N) the remaining paragraphs using V or W.
  • Sign (S) the letter with S/F.

Melons Errors

  • Punctuation “Marks”.
  • Follow “Expansion” Rules.
  • Obey “Language” Rules.
  • Have an “Order” (DADR, PRPDD, V/W, S/F)
  • Do not change “Names”.
  • Sex (Mr, Ms, Mrs, His, Her).

Details to Fill In:


Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Imagine today’s date is 24/07/2024. Ms Jane and her new born have visited your clinic for a follow up and concerns over the baby’s health and coping.

Patient Details:

  • Baby Krit Palmer
  • Age: 1 month
  • Date of Birth: June 24, 2024 (preterm, born at 34 weeks gestation).
  • Gender: Male.
  • Mother: Jane Palmer.
  • Address: 123 Elm Street, Cityville.
  • Contact Number: 01234 567890.

Medical History (Mother):

  • G2P1 (Gravida 2, Para 1)
  • No known allergies.
  • History of mild gestational diabetes, managed with diet.
  • No significant past medical history.
  • Current medication: Prenatal vitamins, Iron supplements

Krit’s Health:

  • Born preterm at 34 weeks gestation.
  • Apgar score: 8 at 1 minute, 9 at 5 minutes.
  • Required NICU stay for 2 weeks for respiratory support (CPAP) and monitoring.
  • No major congenital anomalies detected.
  • Current weight: 2.5 kg (birth weight: 2.0 kg).
  • Feeding: Breastfed, supplemented with formula.
  • Vaccinations: BCG, Hepatitis B (birth dose).
  • Current medications: Multivitamin drops, Iron supplements.

Family History:

  • No significant family history of genetic disorders or chronic illnesses.
  • Both parents are healthy and have no known hereditary conditions.

Social History:

  • Non-smoker.
  • Occasional alcohol consumption before pregnancy, abstained during pregnancy.
  • Married, living with husband and parents.
  • Supportive family environment.
  • Mother on maternity leave, primary caregiver of the baby.
  • Husband is employed full-time, but provides support after work hours.

Presenting Complaint:

  • Baby Krit is feeding well but seems to be fussy and crying more than usual.
  • Slight jaundice noticed in the baby.
  • Mother experiencing fatigue and mild breast discomfort.

Examination Findings (Baby)

  • Alert, active, mildly jaundiced
  • Temperature 36.8°C, HR 140 bpm, RR 40 bpm.
  • Weight: 2.5 kg.
  • Head-to-toe examination: No significant abnormalities, mild jaundice (noted on sclera and face).
  • Feeding: Sucking well during breastfeeding, supplementing with formula.
  • Stool and urine output: Normal.


  • Tired but well, no signs of distress.
  • Breast examination: No signs of mastitis, mild engorgement, good latch during breastfeeding


  • Discussed signs of severe jaundice and when to seek immediate medical attention.
  • Provided contact information for lactation support services.
  • Encouraged the mother to reach out if she has any concerns or notices any changes in the baby’s condition.


  • Monitor jaundice levels: Perform a bilirubin check.
  • Continue breastfeeding and supplementing with formula.
  • Ensure adequate hydration and feeding.
  • Follow-up appointment in 1 week to reassess jaundice and overall growth.
  • Advise on signs of worsening jaundice or feeding difficulties.
  • Encourage rest and adequate hydration (mother).
  • Educate on breastfeeding techniques and management of engorgement.
  • Provide support and resources for postpartum care.
  • Bilirubin check.
  • Arrange daily visits by a community nurse for 1 week for monitoring the baby and the mother.

Writing Task:

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to Ms Sarah Smith, Community Nurse, 456 Oak Street, Cityville, NSW 2000, Australia for further monitoring.

In your answer:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences.
  • Do not use note form.
  • Use letter format.

The body of the letter should be approximately 180–200 words.

Written by englishmelon

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Listening 46 C1
