
OET Gaps 1C31

Of late, diabetes has become the (1) ______________________ of end stage renal disease worldwide. This is due to the fact that diabetes, especially (2) ______________________ , is increasing. Approximately (3) ____________ of new patients receiving dialysis in the US are diabetic. Early diagnosis of diabetes and (4) ______________________ are crucial to prevent the (5) ______________________ towards renal failure seen in a significant percentage of type two diabetic patients and in many type one diabetics. The presence of microalbuminuria is the early (6) ______________________ of diabetic neuropathy, defined as the appearance of low but abnormal levels of (7) ______________________ . The characteristics of diabetic neuropathy are a decline in (8) ______________________ ratio, progressive increase in proteinuria, hypertension and a high risk of (9) ______________________. Therefore, the evidence of microalbuminuria should trigger diagnosis for possible (10) ______________________ and aggressive intervention to cope with all cardiovascular risk factors in diabetes type one and two.

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NB: Try several times and make sure you have got all answers before proceeding to the answer page. 

Written by englishmelon

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OET Speaking 52

Reading 53 B1