Before you start your OET Preparation, please know that free recruitments have been frozen in UK, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. However, if you are already in these countries, this page is the perfect place for you to learn and practice. All you have to do is complete the following Steps and Tasks.
Students start with 10 Gaps tasks to be able to understand audios with different accents. After completing the Gaps tasks, they will be directed to 10 Sample Listening tests that they should complete following the Melons OET Listening Methods.
Students start with 10 Part A Reading Tests applying Melons Reading Methods.
Anyone – beginner or repeater – can easily write OET letters by following these steps.
- Get our 20 Case Notes Printed. Or, use your own case notes.
- Read and understand these Sample Letters.
- Step M – Marking. Mark these information on the case notes.
- Step E – Elimination. Learn to eliminate what is irrelevant.
- Step L – Launching (DADR, DADS).
- Step O – Opening Paragraph (PRP.PD, UPRP.PD, TPRP.PD, PPRP.PD, PRP.P)
- Step N – Narration [Me1, Me2, Me3, LONS].
- Step S – Signing (Closing Paragraph, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully)
Students enter the Speaking Subtest by reading / listening to 10 Sample Role Plays.
- Speaking Sample 1
- Speaking Sample 2
- Speaking Sample 3
- Speaking Sample 4
- Speaking Sample 5