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IELTS General Speaking


Let’s now go through a complete IELTS General Speaking test in a conversational format, including questions and model answers.

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

  • Examiner: Good morning. My name is John Smith. Can you tell me your full name, please?
  • Candidate: Good morning. My name is Emma Johnson.
  • Examiner: Thank you, Emma. Can I see your identification, please?
  • Candidate: Sure, here it is.
  • Examiner: Thank you. Now, I’d like to ask you a few questions to get to know you better. Do you work or study?
  • Candidate: I work. I’m a marketing manager at a tech company.
  • Examiner: How long have you been working there?
  • Candidate: I’ve been working there for about three years now.
  • Examiner: Do you enjoy your job?
  • Candidate: Yes, I do. I find it very rewarding and I enjoy the creative aspect of developing marketing strategies.
  • Examiner: What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Candidate: In my free time, I enjoy reading books, especially fiction, and I also like to go hiking on weekends.
  • Examiner: What type of books do you enjoy the most?
  • Candidate: I love mysteries and thrillers. They keep me engaged and I enjoy trying to solve the mystery before the book reveals it.

Part 2: Long Turn

Examiner: Now, I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. Here is a paper and a pencil for you to make some notes if you wish. Your topic is: “Describe a memorable holiday you had.”

Candidate: (After one minute) One of the most memorable holidays I had was a trip to Japan last year. I went with my family, and we spent two weeks exploring different cities, including Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka.

In Tokyo, we visited the bustling Shibuya Crossing and enjoyed the vibrant street life. The food was incredible, especially the sushi and ramen. We also went to Kyoto, where we saw beautiful temples and traditional tea houses. One highlight was visiting the Fushimi Inari Shrine with its thousands of red torii gates.

In Osaka, we had a lot of fun at Universal Studios Japan. The Harry Potter World there was amazing. The people were very friendly and helpful, even though we didn’t speak much Japanese. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I would love to visit Japan again.

Examiner: Thank you. How did you feel about the holiday?

Candidate: I felt very happy and relaxed. It was a great way to bond with my family and experience a different culture. The holiday left me with many cherished memories.

(You can try with different questions)

Part 3: Discussion

Examiner: Let’s talk more about holidays and travel. Why do you think people like to travel?

Candidate: I think people like to travel for various reasons. Some travel to relax and escape from their daily routine, while others seek adventure and new experiences. Traveling also allows people to learn about different cultures, try new foods, and meet new people, which can be very enriching.

Examiner: How do you think tourism affects a country’s economy?

Candidate: Tourism can have a significant positive impact on a country’s economy. It creates jobs in various sectors like hospitality, transportation, and entertainment. Tourists spend money on accommodation, food, and attractions, which boosts local businesses. However, it’s important to manage tourism sustainably to avoid negative effects such as environmental damage and cultural exploitation.

Examiner: What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone?

Candidate: Traveling alone has its advantages, such as the freedom to plan your itinerary without needing to consider others’ preferences. It can also be a great opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. However, there are disadvantages, too. It can sometimes be lonely, and there are safety concerns to consider. Solo travelers need to be more cautious and prepared for unexpected situations.

Examiner: How do you think travel will change in the future?

Candidate: I think travel will become more sustainable and eco-friendly as people become more aware of environmental issues. Advances in technology might also make travel more efficient and accessible. For instance, virtual reality could provide immersive travel experiences without leaving home. Additionally, there might be a greater emphasis on local travel and exploring one’s own country.

Examiner: Thank you, Emma. That is the end of the speaking test.

Candidate: Thank you.

This format provides a comprehensive view of the IELTS General Speaking test, including the types of questions asked and model answers.

Written by englishmelon

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OET Case Notes 59.1

OET Speaking with Melons