Here’s a beginner-friendly German pronunciation lesson including nouns, pronouns, verbs, and short sentences. I’ve included simple phonetics for each word to help you pronounce them accurately.

1. Pronouns (Personal and Possessive)

  • Ich (I) – /iH/ (like “ick” with a soft “ch”)
  • Du (You – singular informal) – /doo/ (rhymes with “too”)
  • Er (He) – /air/ (like “air”)
  • Sie (She/They/You – formal) – /zee/ (like “zee”)
  • Wir (We) – /veer/ (rhymes with “peer”)
  • Mein (My) – /mine/ (like “mine”)
  • Dein (Your – informal) – /dine/ (like “dine”)

“Ich” ആണ് ജർമനിൽ ഏറ്റവും അധികം ഉപയോഗിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന വാക്ക്. ഇക്ക് എന്നോ ഇഷ് എന്നോ അല്ല മറിച്ച്, രണ്ടിനും ഇടക്കുള്ള ഒരു സ്വരമാണ് ich ന്.

2. Common Nouns

  • Haus (House) – /hows/ (like “house”)
  • Auto (Car) – /ow-toh/ (like “ow” + “toe”)
  • Hund (Dog) – /hoond/ (like “hoon” + “d”)
  • Katze (Cat) – /kaht-tsuh/ (like “cot” + “tsuh”)
  • Buch (Book) – /bookh/ (like “book” with a guttural “kh”)
  • Baum (Tree) – /bowm/ (like “bough” + “m”)
  • Apfel (Apple) – /ap-fel/ (like “up” + “fel”)
  • Kind (Child) – /kint/ (like “mint” with a “k”)

3. Basic Verbs

  • Sein (To be) – /zine/ (like “sign”)
  • Haben (To have) – /hah-ben/ (like “ha” + “ben”)
  • Gehen (To go) – /gay-en/ (like “gay” + “en”)
  • Essen (To eat) – /es-sen/ (like “S” + “sen”)
  • Trinken (To drink) – /trink-en/ (like “trink” + “en”)
  • Laufen (To run) – /low-fen/ (like “low” + “fen”)
  • Kommen (To come) – /kom-men/ (like “kom” + “men”)
  • Lesen (To read) – /lay-zen/ (like “lay” + “zen”)

4. Short Sentences

  1. Ich bin müde. (I am tired.) – /iH bin myoo-deh/
  2. Du hast einen Hund. (You have a dog.) – /doo hahst eye-nen hoond/
  3. Er geht nach Hause. (He goes home.) – /air gate nahkh how-zuh/
  4. Wir trinken Wasser. (We drink water.) – /veer trink-en vahs-ser/
  5. Sie isst einen Apfel. (She eats an apple.) – /zee ist eye-nen ap-fel/
  6. Das Buch ist groß. (The book is big.) – /das bookh ist grohs/
  7. Der Baum ist grün. (The tree is green.) – /dair bowm ist groon/
  8. Kinder spielen hier. (Children play here.) – /kin-der shpee-len heer/

Pronunciation Tips:

  • The German “ch” sound, as in ich, is soft and airy, produced in the middle of the mouth.
  • “R” is often rolled or guttural depending on the region.
  • The “w” in German sounds like an English “v” (e.g., wir = /veer/).
  • The “z” in German is pronounced like “ts” (e.g., Katze = /kaht-tsuh/).

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