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  • Reading 36B1

    Guidelines for Handling Patient Data All staff members are required to follow strict guidelines when handling patient data to ensure its confidentiality and security. Access to patient records is restricted to authorized personnel only. These records, whether stored electronically or in paper format, must be protected from unauthorized access at all times. Staff members must […] More

  • OET Reading Contest 53

    Text A – Text Booklet Text A Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. The disease is only found in humans. Whooping cough bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line part of the upper respiratory system. The bacteria […] More

  • Reading 53 B4

    Clear Communication Medical personnel are so immersed in jargon that it becomes part of their daily speech The patient may not understand the words or may have a different idea of their meaning. Technical words such as myocardial infarction are in obvious need of avoidance or explanation. Consider also terms such as exacerbate, chronic, numb, […] More

  • Reading 53 B3

    To: All Staff Subject: Faxing Confidential Information Please note the following: Take safety measures before faxing confidential information. A fax cover sheet should contain instruction that the faxed material is to be given only to the named recipient. Consent is needed from the client to fax information. Check that the fax number is correct, check […] More

  • Reading 53 B2

    Infection Prevention and Control Each year, an excess of £1 billion is spent by NHS on healthcare-associated infection. This is an infection that was neither present nor incubating at the time of contact with the healthcare facility. All staff have a duty to protect patients from harm and ensure colleagues, patients and visitors take infection […] More

  • Reading 53 B1

    Aseptic Technique Aseptic technique must be used when handling syringes and needles. The needle, the tip and hub, the inside of the barrel, and the plunger must be kept sterile at all times. Contamination of the plunger will contaminate the solution or medication as the plunger goes down the barrel. All syringes should be labelled […] More

  • Reading 51 B6

    Language Barriers Health institutions have the responsibility and an ethical obligation to ensure that residents who do not speak English are informed regarding procedures or treatments. Using a translator can result in errors. The best translator is one trained in the use of medical terminology. A telephone translation service, often available 24 hours every day, […] More

  • Reading 51 B5

    Handbook Extract: Confidentiality and Data Protection Healthcare Information is confidential. It can only be used to provide direct healthcare of patients. Using it for other purposes will require patient consent or lawful basis such as crime prevention or detection of crime. Access to patient information is permitted only if there is legitimate reason within the […] More

  • Reading 51 B4

    Equality and Fair Treatment Equality is about fair and inclusive treatment. It is protected in law with the aim that we can all live and work in a society where everyone can participate and can fulfil their potential. The Equality Act directs that people must not receive unfair treatment and that everyone is responsible for […] More

  • Reading 51 B3

    Handling Syringes When handling syringes the needle, the tip and hub, the inside of the barrel, and the plunger must always be kept sterile. Syringes should be labelled with the name of the medication. If a needle is broken, it must be accounted for in its entirety. Bending, shearing, breaking, or recapping contaminated needles is […] More

  • Reading 51 B2

    Chronic Pain There are more than 100 million people who experience chronic pain. This may include pain due to osteoarthritis, strained muscles or bulging or ruptured disks in the lower back region, digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, or other known or unknown causes. Although pain can be an important indicator of acute injury, chronic […] More

  • OET Reading 11C1

    How much fluid should you drink each day for good health? Eight glasses a day has been the widely circulated advice. But recently, two large studies have suggested that’s probably overkill. It turns out that under normal circumstances, you get most of the liquid you need each day from what you routinely eat and drink, […] More

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