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  • Reading 38 B1

    Know the Difference: Infiltration vs. Extravasation Intravenous infiltration is one of the most common problems that can occur when fluid infuses into the tissues surrounding the venipuncture site. This sometimes happens when the tip of the catheter slips out of the vein or the catheter passes through the wall of the vein. If you are […] More

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    Melons OET Home Page

    OCCUPATIONAL ENGLISH TEST (OET) Audios and additional resources are available in our Telegram Group. Please join now! Links to Questions: Case Notes 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 48 51 55 57 Reading 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Listening 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Check […] More

  • Role Play 39

    Role Play Card Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: Home Visit You are a 64-year-old who underwent a left total knee replacement three weeks ago. At the time of discharge, you were advised to use a walker and to adhere to the recommended physiotherapy exercises at home until your follow-up appointment in a month. You […] More

  • Case Notes 39.1

    Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing) Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Melons Steps Mark (M) PPRRAADDDDDWK. Eliminate (E) irrelevant information. Launch (L) the […] More

  • Listening Part A 38.1

    In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional is talking to a patient. For questions one to 24, complete the notes with information you hear. Now, look at the notes. For extract one, you hear a doctor talking to a new patient called Mr Padro. For […] More

  • Speaking 38

    Roleplay Card 38 Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: General Practice You are the parent of a four-year old girl, who has just put her hand through a rusty nail whilst playing at the local park. Your child is very upset and does not want to receive the necessary tetanus injection. Tasks Explain that it […] More

  • Case Notes 38.1

    Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing) Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Melons Steps Mark (M) PPRRAADDDDDWK. Eliminate (E) irrelevant information. Launch (L) the […] More

  • Listening Mini 37 B2

    Listening, Part B Sample 37.2 Listen to the audio and choose the correct options. You can replay the audio if you wish to. Do not guess but think intelligently. More

  • Listening Mini 37.1

    You hear two nurses discussing a handover. Now, read the question and choose one of the options. Remember, this is an English Melon O.E.T listening training task. Play the Audio: More

  • Case Notes 37.1 Baby Liam Johnson

    Occupational English Test – Writing (Nursing) Instructions: You have 45 minutes to write this letter. During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil. Start writing only when you are told. During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes. Melons Steps Mark (M) PPRRAADDDDDWK. Eliminate (E) irrelevant information. Launch (L) the […] More

  • Reading 36B1

    Guidelines for Handling Patient Data All staff members are required to follow strict guidelines when handling patient data to ensure its confidentiality and security. Access to patient records is restricted to authorized personnel only. These records, whether stored electronically or in paper format, must be protected from unauthorized access at all times. Staff members must […] More

  • Passive Voice 36

    Change the following sentences into their passive forms. Do not forget to share your score in our main group. More

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