
Here is a very interesting task for you. In each set are 10 German sentences which are not in proper order. You can also see their English meanings attached. All you have to do is rearrange the sentences in each set and match with the answers after each 10 questions. Set 1 Jumbled German Sentences […]

Shopping Vocabulary (Einkaufen) Preis (Price) – /prys/ (like “prize”) Angebot (Offer) – /ahn-geh-boht/ (like “on” + “geh” + “boat”) Kasse (Cash Register) – /kah-suh/ (like “casa”) Rechnung (Bill) – /rekh-noong/ (like “wreck” + “noong”) Geld (Money) – /gelt/ (like “gelt”) Markt (Market) – /mahkt/ (like “marked”) Tasche (Bag) – /tah-shuh/ (like “tasha”) Karte (Card) – […]

Here’s a beginner-friendly German pronunciation lesson including nouns, pronouns, verbs, and short sentences. I’ve included simple phonetics for each word to help you pronounce them accurately. 1. Pronouns (Personal and Possessive) Ich (I) – /iH/ (like “ick” with a soft “ch”) Du (You – singular informal) – /doo/ (rhymes with “too”) Er (He) – /air/ […]

In German, the verb “can” translates to “können” and is a modal verb. It is conjugated based on the subject pronoun. Present Tense (Präsens) ich kann – I can du kannst – you can (informal singular) er/sie/es kann – he/she/it can wir können – we can ihr könnt – you can (informal plural) sie können […]

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