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  • My Mother at Sixty Six – Kamala Das

    Summary In “My Mother at Sixty-Six,” Kamala Das describes a poignant moment when she realizes her mother’s aging and the inevitability of death. The poem opens with the poet driving to the airport with her mother, who is dozing in the car, her face pale and lifeless like a corpse. The poet is struck by […] More

  • Poets and Pancakes – Class 12 CBSE

    Welcome to Poets and Pancakes – CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo, initially a “what the hell is it” chapter but at the end something you will never forget. This is one of the well presented chapters in the CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo. Where should we start? You need subtitles to understand this dry comedy! […] More

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    Letter to Editor

    Question: Despite being an essential component of road safety infrastructure, many people do not respect zebra crossings and fail to follow traffic rules, which results in hazardous situations on the roads. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, sharing your concern, and examining the reasons for such behaviour. Provide suggestions for spreading […] More

  • CBSE English Class 12 Home Page

    Reading: 22 Marks Writing: 18 Marks Notice (4 Marks) Invitations & Replies (4 Marks) Advertisement & Reply / Letter to Editor (5 Marks) Article / Report (5 Marks) Literature: 40 Marks Book 1 – Flamingo One Long answer type question from two options. To be answered in 120 – 150 words. 5 Marks. The Last […] More

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    Summary “The Rattrap” by Selma Lagerlöf is a story that revolves around a poor peddler who roams around selling rattraps. He leads a life of poverty and loneliness, and his view of the world becomes cynical. He believes that the world is nothing but a giant rattrap meant to trap people with its temptations. The […] More