All posts by: Melons

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Question 1 You recently stayed at a hotel and were disappointed by the quality of the service you received. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter: Explain the problems you had during your stay. Describe why this experience was disappointing. Say what you would like the hotel to do to compensate you. […]

Sample Letter 13 May, 2023 Ms Susan Parry Admitting Nurse Helping Hand Rehabilitation Centre Eagle Vale, Sydney, NSW, Australia Dear Ms Parry, Re: Ms Nina Davies; DOB: 25 December, 1949 Thank you for accepting the care of Ms Nina Davies who requires continuing care and management. She is recuperating after left hemiarthroplasty. She is ready […]

Here is a very interesting task for you. In each set are 10 German sentences which are not in proper order. You can also see their English meanings attached. All you have to do is rearrange the sentences in each set and match with the answers after each 10 questions. Set 1 Jumbled German Sentences […]

Shopping Vocabulary (Einkaufen) Preis (Price) – /prys/ (like “prize”) Angebot (Offer) – /ahn-geh-boht/ (like “on” + “geh” + “boat”) Kasse (Cash Register) – /kah-suh/ (like “casa”) Rechnung (Bill) – /rekh-noong/ (like “wreck” + “noong”) Geld (Money) – /gelt/ (like “gelt”) Markt (Market) – /mahkt/ (like “marked”) Tasche (Bag) – /tah-shuh/ (like “tasha”) Karte (Card) – […]

Question Some people believe that zoos are necessary for the conservation of species, while others think they are unethical and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Task Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. You can submit this task for free correction with a 10 minutes’ one-on-one session. […]

Here’s a beginner-friendly German pronunciation lesson including nouns, pronouns, verbs, and short sentences. I’ve included simple phonetics for each word to help you pronounce them accurately. 1. Pronouns (Personal and Possessive) Ich (I) – /iH/ (like “ick” with a soft “ch”) Du (You – singular informal) – /doo/ (rhymes with “too”) Er (He) – /air/ […]

In German, the verb “can” translates to “können” and is a modal verb. It is conjugated based on the subject pronoun. Present Tense (Präsens) ich kann – I can du kannst – you can (informal singular) er/sie/es kann – he/she/it can wir können – we can ihr könnt – you can (informal plural) sie können […]

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks on your notebook. You may listen to the audios more than once. Write numbers 1 – 22 on your notebook before you play the audio. Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s orientation session for new students. I’m thrilled to introduce you to one of the most […]

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks on your notebook. You may listen to the audios more than once. Write numbers 1 – 20 on your notebook before you play the audio. Good morning, I’d like some information about the (1) _______________, please. Good morning! Sure, what would you like to know? Well, […]

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