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Reading 51 B6

Language Barriers

Health institutions have the responsibility and an ethical obligation to ensure that residents who do not speak English are informed regarding procedures or treatments. Using a translator can result in errors. The best translator is one trained in the use of medical terminology. A telephone translation service, often available 24 hours every day, is available if there is no one physically present in the hospital. You may need to obtain a signed consent from the client to use a translator Speak to the client, not the translator. Take your time, speak slowly, and observe the body language of the client. Ask questions as appropriate and ask the client to repeat any instructions provided to confirm understanding. Document if the translator is a professional or a family member.

  • Question of

    The extract about language barriers says that:

    • Translators must be medically qualified.
    • A translator is expected to be available over the phone 24 hours a day.
    • A non-professional individual can act as a translator.

    Correct Wrong

    The extract states: "Document if the translator is a professional or a family member." This indicates that translators can be either professionals or family members. Family members are typically non-professional individuals, which confirms that non-professional individuals can indeed act as translators in this context. The extract explicitly mentions that translators can be family members. Family members are not typically professional translators; therefore, non-professional individuals (family members) can act as translators, making option C correct.

Written by englishmelon

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Reading 51 B5

Character Traits & Personality Traits