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IBDP English A – Letter Analysis

The Letter Sample

July 27, 2024

First Day Hospital, Jakarta

My Dearest Great-Granddaughter,

Welcome to the world, my precious great-granddaughter! As I lay here, knowing that my journey is nearing its end, you are just beginning yours, and what a beautiful world you’ve been born into. It’s a place crafted by the love, sweat, and tears of countless older souls like me. The freedom and rights you will grow up with weren’t always a given—they were fought for, tirelessly, by many who came before you.

Oh, the irony of life! Here I am, with one foot out the door, while you’ve just arrived with a fresh, enthusiastic cry. It’s a bittersweet juxtaposition, isn’t it? But that’s life’s beautiful dance—old souls making way for the new. In this grand theater of existence, we play our parts, some in the spotlight, others in the wings, all contributing to the final act.

The world I am leaving and the world you are entering, my dear, are both full of wonders and challenges. When I was born, the world was simpler in some ways, yet so much more complicated in others. We didn’t have the marvels of technology that you will grow up with. Imagine a world without smartphones, without the internet, without instant access to information. It sounds almost prehistoric, doesn’t it? But in those days, we relied on face-to-face communication, on handwritten letters, on the magic of a personal touch.

Yet, some struggles remain the same. The fight for equality, the quest for justice, the battle to protect our freedoms—these are timeless. In my youth, women were just beginning to break free from the chains of traditional roles. We fought for the right to vote, to work, to have our voices heard. Today, you are born into a world where these rights are more firmly established, but the struggle is far from over. Gender equality is still a journey, not a destination. You will have your own battles to fight, and I trust you will do so with grace and strength.

As you grow, my dear, never take for granted the liberties you enjoy. Rights are like the most delicate flowers; they need constant nurturing, lest they wither away. Remember, the freedom to speak, to learn, to dream—these are gifts bestowed upon you by the struggles of the past. Treat them with reverence and safeguard them with your strength.

You will hear tales of fierce battles and relentless crusades for equality, stories that might seem like mere bedtime stories. But don’t be fooled by the gentle lilt of those tales. They carry the weight of sacrifice, of lives dedicated to ensuring you could live freely. Don’t let the comfort lull you into complacency. Every right you possess was once a dream, a hope, a desperate wish of those who came before you.

And let’s talk about men, shall we? They are not the adversaries, my love. They are your partners, your allies, your complement. Think of them as the stars that share the night sky with the moon, each shining in their own right but together creating a breathtaking spectacle. The balance, the harmony—it’s all in the cooperation. Embrace it. Men and women, different yet equal, each bringing unique strengths to the world. This symphony of gender is what creates the music of life.

You see, life is an intricate tapestry woven from diverse threads—men and women, young and old, rich and poor. It is this diversity that gives life its richness. So, seek understanding, practice empathy, and cherish every soul you meet. Embrace differences, for it is in these differences that you will find the beauty and strength of the human spirit.

Anaphora time! Strive to be kind, strive to be just, strive to be the change you wish to see in this world. It’s a big ask for such tiny shoulders, but I have faith in you. In your laughter, in your tears, in your joy, in your pain—find the strength to uphold the rights and freedoms that make this world a wonderful place to live in. Let your actions echo with compassion, let your voice ring with justice, let your heart beat with empathy.

And when the days seem dark, remember that you stand on the shoulders of giants. Those who fought, who dreamed, who believed in a better world—they are your ancestors, your heritage. Let their struggles inspire you, let their victories embolden you. You are the torchbearer of their dreams, the custodian of their hopes.

So, my little one, as I bid you farewell before even getting to know you, I leave you with this legacy of wisdom: cherish your freedom, fight for justice, and love with all your heart. The world is a garden, and you are one of its tender blossoms. Grow strong and beautiful. Life will test you, challenge you, but never forget—you are the hope, the promise of a brighter future.

With all my love and blessings,

Your Great-Grandmother

Analysis Tools

Make sure that your analysis touches each of these elements.

  • Name and address: Formal letters are posted to the recipient, so they normally contain both the sender and receiver’s address, allowing the recipient to reply. The sender’s address is traditionally placed on the right hand side, with the date below it.
  • Purpose: People send letters for all kinds of reasons; to complain, to seek advice, to connect with a loved one or even to pass gossip. The purpose of this text type is completely flexible.
  • Register: Letters can be formal or informal depending on the purpose and relationship between the sender and receiver. The tone can vary widely too: compare a formal letter of complaint with an intimate letter between lovers.
  • Salutation: A direct address to the recipient. Depending on context, they can vary from the formal ‘Dear…’ or even ‘To whom this may concern…’ to a quick ‘Hi…’
  • Sign off: You can tell a lot about the relationship between the reader and the writer from the way the letter ends. Formally, ‘yours sincerely’ is used if the recipient’s name was used and ‘yours faithfully’ is used when the writer does not know the name of the receiver. Non-conventional sign-offs can be used for a variety of reasons; check the end of the letter to see if the writer expects a reply.

Guiding Question: In what ways does the use of detail place two generations in a single frame?


The letter from a great-grandmother to her newborn great-granddaughter is a profoundly touching piece that beautifully captures the essence of generational wisdom and love. The initial lines immediately draw the reader into the intimate and heartfelt connection between the two, despite the vast difference in their life stages. The presence of the date and place, “July 27, 2024, Mount Carmel Hospital, Brisbane,” sets a clear context and situates the letter in a specific moment in time, bridging the past and future within a single narrative.

The purpose of this letter is to connect with a loved one and impart timeless wisdom. The great-grandmother, aware of her approaching end, writes with a sense of urgency and legacy, aiming to share life lessons and provide guidance to her newborn great-granddaughter. This heartfelt message is intended to ensure the newborn understands the struggles and achievements of previous generations, inspiring her to uphold and cherish the freedoms and rights she will inherit. The letter’s purpose is multi-faceted: it is a farewell, a welcome, and a guide, all rolled into one, making it a powerful and versatile text.

The register of the letter is informal yet deeply respectful and loving, which is fitting for the context of a great-grandmother addressing her newborn great-granddaughter. The tone is intimate and reflective, filled with warmth and personal concern. This informal register is appropriate for the personal nature of the letter, allowing the great-grandmother’s voice to come through authentically and powerfully. The salutation, “My Dearest Great-Granddaughter,” directly addresses the recipient in a warm and affectionate manner, establishing the close familial relationship and setting the tone for the heartfelt message that follows. The use of the word “Dearest” signifies the deep affection and importance of the newborn to the great-grandmother, making the salutation both intimate and meaningful.

The letter is well-organized, beginning with a warm welcome and moving through various themes such as the juxtaposition of the old and new worlds, the importance of freedom and rights, gender relationships, and a call for empathy and justice. This structure helps convey the great-grandmother’s message effectively, guiding the reader through a logical progression of thoughts and emotions. The letter’s structure mirrors a journey, reflecting the life the great-grandmother has lived and the path she hopes her great-granddaughter will follow. This journey is marked by significant milestones and lessons, each one contributing to the overall narrative of wisdom and guidance.

The letter subtly uses sarcasm when describing the old world without modern technology as “prehistoric,” adding a humorous touch while highlighting the differences between the past and present. This use of sarcasm not only brings a light-hearted element to the letter but also emphasizes the dramatic changes the world has undergone. The phrase, “Imagine a world without smartphones, without the internet, without instant access to information. It sounds almost prehistoric, doesn’t it?” captures this perfectly, using humor to bridge the gap between generations and make the message more relatable.

Anaphora is effectively used to emphasize the qualities the great-grandmother wishes to impart, with repeated phrases such as “strive to be kind, strive to be just, strive to be the change you wish to see in this world.” This repetition reinforces the importance of these values and encourages the great-granddaughter to internalize them. The use of anaphora creates a rhythmic and poetic element within the letter, making the message more memorable and impactful. It serves as a call to action, urging the newborn to adopt these virtues as guiding principles in her life.

Juxtaposition is evident in the comparison between the old world the great-grandmother is leaving and the new world the baby is entering, highlighting both progress and ongoing struggles. This is encapsulated in the line, “The world I am leaving and the world you are entering, my dear, are both full of wonders and challenges.” This juxtaposition not only highlights the changes that have occurred but also underscores the continuity of certain struggles and the ongoing need for vigilance and action. The contrast between the simplicity of the past and the complexity of the present serves to emphasize the advances humanity has made, while also reminding the reader of the enduring nature of certain challenges.

The metaphor comparing the world to a garden and the great-granddaughter to a tender blossom emphasizes growth and beauty. This metaphor, “The world is a garden, and you are one of its tender blossoms,” evokes a sense of nurturing and potential, suggesting that the great-granddaughter has the capacity to grow and flourish in the world. This imagery creates a vivid and nurturing vision of the future, reinforcing the idea that the great-granddaughter is part of a larger, interconnected world. The metaphor also suggests that just as a garden requires care and attention, so too does the world and its inhabitants.

The language is warm and reflective, suitable for a letter intended to impart wisdom and love. The tone is both nostalgic and hopeful, reflecting the great-grandmother’s life experience and her aspirations for her great-granddaughter’s future. The use of reflective language allows the great-grandmother to share her experiences and insights in a meaningful and engaging way. The tone of nostalgia provides a sense of continuity and connection between the past and the future, while the tone of hope conveys the great-grandmother’s belief in a brighter future for her great-granddaughter.

The letter reflects on the progress made over generations, especially in terms of technology and gender equality, urging the newborn to cherish and uphold freedoms and rights, emphasizing that they are not guaranteed and must be protected. It encourages viewing men as partners rather than adversaries, promoting gender harmony, and advocates for empathy, justice, and the continuation of the fight for equality. The letter’s themes of progress and equality are timeless and universal, making its message relevant for future generations. The great-grandmother’s call for empathy and justice underscores the importance of these values in creating a better world.

Overall, the letter effectively uses the elements of structure, language, and tone to convey a deeply personal and impactful message. It combines personal anecdotes with universal life lessons, creating a powerful narrative that bridges the past and the future. The letter’s informal register and intimate tone make it accessible and relatable, while its thoughtful use of figures of speech enhances its emotional and intellectual impact. Through this letter, the great-grandmother leaves a lasting legacy of love, wisdom, and hope for her great-granddaughter, ensuring that her voice and values will continue to resonate in the years to come.

How Did I Prepare?

Introduction and Initial Appreciation

  • Starting Point:
    • I began by carefully reading the letter to understand its emotional and thematic depth.
    • I noted the intimate connection between the great-grandmother and her newborn great-granddaughter.
    • I highlighted the presence of the date and place, “July 27, 2024, Mount Carmel Hospital, Brisbane,” which situates the letter in a specific moment in time.
  • Appreciation:
    • I appreciated the letter for its heartfelt tone and the way it bridges the past and future within a single narrative.
    • The initial lines immediately draw the reader into the intimate and heartfelt connection between the two.


  • Identifying the Purpose:
    • I identified that the main purpose of the letter is to connect with the newborn and impart timeless wisdom.
    • The letter serves multiple roles: a farewell, a welcome, and a guide.
  • Elaboration:
    • I emphasized how the great-grandmother aims to share life lessons and provide guidance.
    • The letter is intended to ensure the newborn understands the struggles and achievements of previous generations.
    • The great-grandmother wants to inspire her great-granddaughter to cherish and uphold the freedoms and rights she will inherit.

Register and Tone

  • Analyzing Register:
    • I noted the informal yet deeply respectful and loving register.
    • The informal register is appropriate for the familial context, allowing the great-grandmother’s voice to come through authentically and powerfully.
  • Analyzing Tone:
    • I described the intimate and reflective tone, filled with warmth and personal concern.
    • The tone is fitting for a great-grandmother addressing her great-granddaughter, making the letter both nostalgic and hopeful.

Salutation and Sign Off

  • Salutation:
    • The salutation “My Dearest Great-Granddaughter” directly addresses the recipient in a warm and affectionate manner.
    • It establishes the close familial relationship and sets the tone for the heartfelt message that follows.
    • The use of “Dearest” signifies the deep affection and importance of the newborn to the great-grandmother.
  • Sign Off:
    • The letter concludes with “With all my love and blessings,” which is a non-conventional, intimate sign-off.
    • It reflects the deep personal connection between the writer and the recipient.
    • The sign-off indicates that the writer does not expect a reply, as the recipient is a newborn, and serves as a final expression of love and care.

Structure and Organization

  • Overall Structure:
    • The letter is well-organized, beginning with a warm welcome and moving through various themes.
    • Themes include the juxtaposition of the old and new worlds, the importance of freedom and rights, gender relationships, and a call for empathy and justice.
  • Logical Progression:
    • This structure helps convey the great-grandmother’s message effectively, guiding the reader through a logical progression of thoughts and emotions.
    • The structure mirrors a journey, reflecting the life the great-grandmother has lived and the path she hopes her great-granddaughter will follow.
    • Significant milestones and lessons mark this journey, each contributing to the overall narrative of wisdom and guidance.

Use of Sarcasm

  • Identifying Sarcasm:
    • I noted the subtle use of sarcasm when describing the old world without modern technology as “prehistoric.”
    • This adds a humorous touch while highlighting the differences between the past and present.
  • Example:
    • The phrase “Imagine a world without smartphones, without the internet, without instant access to information. It sounds almost prehistoric, doesn’t it?” captures this perfectly.
    • Sarcasm brings a light-hearted element to the letter and emphasizes the dramatic changes the world has undergone.

Use of Anaphora

  • Identifying Anaphora:
    • Anaphora is used to emphasize the qualities the great-grandmother wishes to impart.
    • Repeated phrases such as “strive to be kind, strive to be just, strive to be the change you wish to see in this world” reinforce the importance of these values.
  • Effectiveness:
    • The repetition encourages the great-granddaughter to internalize these values.
    • Anaphora creates a rhythmic and poetic element within the letter, making the message more memorable and impactful.
    • It serves as a call to action, urging the newborn to adopt these virtues as guiding principles in her life.


  • Identifying Juxtaposition:
    • Juxtaposition is evident in the comparison between the old world the great-grandmother is leaving and the new world the baby is entering.
    • This highlights both progress and ongoing struggles.
  • Example:
    • The line “The world I am leaving and the world you are entering, my dear, are both full of wonders and challenges” encapsulates this juxtaposition.
    • The contrast between the simplicity of the past and the complexity of the present emphasizes the advances humanity has made and the enduring nature of certain challenges.

Use of Metaphor

  • Identifying Metaphor:
    • The metaphor comparing the world to a garden and the great-granddaughter to a tender blossom emphasizes growth and beauty.
    • The metaphor “The world is a garden, and you are one of its tender blossoms” evokes a sense of nurturing and potential.
  • Effectiveness:
    • This metaphor suggests that the great-granddaughter has the capacity to grow and flourish in the world.
    • It creates a vivid and nurturing vision of the future, reinforcing the idea that the great-granddaughter is part of a larger, interconnected world.
    • The metaphor also suggests that just as a garden requires care and attention, so too does the world and its inhabitants.

Language and Tone

  • Warm and Reflective Language:
    • The language used in the letter is warm and reflective, suitable for imparting wisdom and love.
    • The tone is both nostalgic and hopeful, reflecting the great-grandmother’s life experience and her aspirations for her great-granddaughter’s future.
  • Reflective Language:
    • The use of reflective language allows the great-grandmother to share her experiences and insights in a meaningful and engaging way.
    • The tone of nostalgia provides a sense of continuity and connection between the past and the future.
    • The tone of hope conveys the great-grandmother’s belief in a brighter future for her great-granddaughter.

Themes of Progress and Equality

  • Reflecting on Progress:
    • The letter reflects on the progress made over generations, especially in terms of technology and gender equality.
    • It urges the newborn to cherish and uphold freedoms and rights, emphasizing that they are not guaranteed and must be protected.
  • Promoting Gender Harmony:
    • The letter encourages viewing men as partners rather than adversaries, promoting gender harmony.
    • It advocates for empathy, justice, and the continuation of the fight for equality.
  • Timeless and Universal Themes:
    • The letter’s themes of progress and equality are timeless and universal, making its message relevant for future generations.
    • The great-grandmother’s call for empathy and justice underscores the importance of these values in creating a better world.

Overall Effectiveness

  • Combination of Elements:
    • The letter effectively uses the elements of structure, language, and tone to convey a deeply personal and impactful message.
    • It combines personal anecdotes with universal life lessons, creating a powerful narrative that bridges the past and the future.
  • Personal and Relatable:
    • The letter’s informal register and intimate tone make it accessible and relatable.
    • Thoughtful use of figures of speech enhances its emotional and intellectual impact.
  • Legacy of Love, Wisdom, and Hope:
    • Through this letter, the great-grandmother leaves a lasting legacy of love, wisdom, and hope for her great-granddaughter.
    • The letter ensures that her voice and values will continue to resonate in the years to come.

Written by englishmelon

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