
OET Listening 03

Part A

In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional is talking to a patient. For questions 1-24, complete the notes with information you hear. Now, look at the notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 1-12

You will hear part of a consultation between a psychologist and a patient called Mr Barry. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

Patient: Mr Barry


Continued anxiety and (1) _________________________________Started medication (2) ____________________________________ ago.


  • Citalopram / chlordiazepoxide.
  • Chlordiazepoxide (3) _________________________________ Mg (4) ___________________________ daily.
  • Non-compliant.
  • Feels meds don’t (5) ________________________________ him sufficiently.
  • Patient trying to (6) ______________________________________ more.
  • Citalopram 20 mg.
  • Side effects: ongoing (7) _____________________________________ improving.
  • Stress related?
  • Possible (8) _____________________________________________.
  • Takes citalopram (9) ____________________________________.


  • Inability to leave home.
  • Palpitations / SOB / intense fear.
  • Feels (10) _____________________________________________ when outside.
  • Patient normalising.
  • Went to shops for the (11) ___________________________________.
  • Since beginning (12) ___________________________________________________.

Extract 2: Questions 13-24

You will hear part of a consultation between a GP and a patient called Mr Martin. For questions 13-24 complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

Patient Mr Martin

Background / Symptoms:

  • Stomach pain.
  • Condition present (13) ___________________________________ for years but worse recently.
  • Located across (14) ______________________________ of abdomen radiating towards (15) __________________________.
  • Describes pain as not severe.
  • Like an (16) ____________________________________.
  • Pain moves side to side.
  • Patient suspects (17) ________________________________________ problems.
  • Feels (18) ___________________________________ as well as pain.
  • Ongoing problem.
  • 4 years ago diagnosed suspected (19) ___________________________________.

Bowel movements variable.

  • Ongoing problems with (20) ___________________________________.
  • But recently stool (21) __________________________________________________.
  • Drinks plenty of water.
  • No diarrhea.
  • No presence of (22) _____________________________________ in stool.
  • No black motions. 


  • Previously prescribed Colofac.
  • Monitors diet rather than take (23) ___________________________________.
  • Takes OTC (24) ___________________________________ capsules which provide relief.

That is the end of Part A. Now look at Part B.

Part B

In this part of the test, you’ll hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear people talking in a different healthcare setting.

  • For questions 25-30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear.
  • You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

Now look at question 25.

  1. You hear a doctor and a trainee discussing the application of a plaster cast. What does the trainee need to tell the patient about the cast?
  1. The appropriate length of time to let the cast dry properly.
  2. The temperature of the cast as it begins to harden.
  3. The reduction in the fracture after the cast has been applied.
  1. You hear a manager explaining new data management processes to clinical staff. What should staff do with their feedback reports?
  1. File them on paper and digitally.
  2. Copy them onto the new servers
  3. Fill them out digitally to save time
  1. You hear a presentation about the introduction of a new type of wound dressing. What is the main advantage of the new wound dressing?
  1. They are ideal for oozing wounds due to high absorbency.
  2. They are made from naturally bacteria resistant seaweed.
  3. They are somewhat less costly than traditional cloth bandages.
  1. You hear two hospital managers discussing completion rates for an online course. How will management inform staff who do not attend the meeting about the deadline?
  1. Face to face.
  2. By email.
  3. Over the phone
  1. You hear two colleagues discussing an online training course What advice does the female nurse give her colleague?
  1. request IT help to reset so he can complete the course.
  2. wait until the weekend and complete the course.
  3. advise a manager that he has completed the course.
  1. You hear an educator describing methods for creating medical abbreviations to nursing trainees. Why does the speaker think it is important for trainees to understand the different methods of abbreviating?
  1. So they can create new abbreviations using the first letter rule.
  2. So they can easily pronounce medical acronyms accurately.
  3. So they can more efficiently learn commonly used abbreviations.

That is the end of Part B. Now look at Part C.

Part C

In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear health professionals talking about aspects of their work. For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen.

Now look at Extract 1.

Extract 1: Questions 31 – 36.

  1. How does Dr Lee describe the movement from traditional care systems to non-visit care?
  1. Large pre-existing medical providers will probably dominate the market.
  2. There will be a mixture of reactions from existing and new organizations.
  3. Flexible new organizations will have an advantage over existing ones.
  1. According to Dr Lee a non-visit care culture:
  1. views face to face consultations as a final resort in treatment.
  2. will develop more rapidly in new medical start-ups.
  3. requires a blend of responses from medical organizations.
  1. Dr Lee believes that current technology is:
  1. closely matched to the user’s medical needs.
  2. changing expectations for medical services.
  3. not capable of supporting non-visit care yet.
  1. Dr Lee suggests that in person visits:
  1. ideally occur earlier in the care process.
  2. have a negative impact on many patients.
  3. should be easy for patients to manage.
  1. Why does Dr Lee mention specimen collection services?
  1. To highlight the expense of creating offices and labs.
  2. To describe how these services could be provided more efficiently.
  3. To suggest they could be delivered more nimbly with technology.
  1. What advice does Dr Lee give organisations wanting to move to non-visit care models?
  1. Wait for more precise technology before transitioning to remote care.
  2. Re-evaluate the safety and quality of non-visit care before making the change.
  3. Find transition opportunities by close analysis of each instance of in-person care.

Extract 2: Questions 37-42

  1. The research suggests that in the USA:
  1. supervised injection centres are fundamentally different.
  2. supervised injection centres are being successfully integrated.
  3. supervised injection centres have the same impact as elsewhere.
  1. According to Dr Davidson the secret facility was:
  1. based on international evidence and good practice.
  2. waiting for legal advocacy in the United States.
  3. experiencing the death of too many patients.
  1. According to Dr Davidson what is the outcome of having staff and drug users in the same room?
  1. Patient check in and registration is more efficient.
  2. Overdose prevention is the major benefit.
  3. Staff can address many potential health issues.
  1. What does Davidson suggest users of the centre most appreciate?
  1. the clean and hygienic surfaces.
  2. the private and relaxed space.
  3. they can’t get arrested there.
  1. Some users of the facility suggested that the facility:
  1. needs a far more open space.
  2. can’t combine with other services since it is secret.
  3. would be better as a treatment agency.
  1. What concern did staff raise about the running of the facility?
  1. That patients might disclose information about the centre.
  2. Necessary exclusion of psychologically ill patients.
  3. The small number of patients they could help.

That is the end of Part C. You now have two minutes to check your answers.

Written by englishmelon

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