
OET Grammar 42

We say “She is diabetic” and “She has diabetes. Also, it is “He is hypertensive” and “He has hypertension.” However, we make mistakes. Below are some sentences with blanks. Make a smart choice between has or is or noun forms or adjective forms for completing these sentences. Let’s Play, seriously!

Before your start, read these correct forms:

  1. He is hyponatremic. He has hyponatremia.
  2. She is hypokalemic. She has hypokalemia.
  3. He is hypercapnic. He has hypercapnia.
  4. She is hypothyroid. She has hypothyroidism.
  5. He is anaphylactic. He has anaphylaxis.
  6. She is cyanotic. She has cyanosis.
  7. He is febrile. He has a fever.
  8. She is septicemic. She has septicemia.
  9. He is cirrhotic. He has cirrhosis.
  10. She is cataractic. She has cataracts.
  11. He is myopic. He has myopia.
  12. She is presbyopic. She has presbyopia.
  13. He is osteoporotic. He has osteoporosis.
  14. She is nephritic. She has nephritis.
  15. He is encephalopathic. He has encephalopathy.
  16. She is psychotic. She has psychosis.
  17. He is hemophiliac. He has hemophilia.

  • Question of

    She ________ asthmatic. She _____________ asthma.

    • has, is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He _______ anemic. He __________ anemia.

    • has, is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She ________ epileptic. She _________ epilepsy.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He _________ hyperthyroid. He ________ hyperthyroidism.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She _______ hypoglycemic. She __________ hypoglycemia.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He ___________ arthritic. He ___________ arthritis.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She ________ celiac. She ______________ celiac disease.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He _________ schizophrenic. He ____________ schizophrenia.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She ____________ bipolar. She ___________ bipolar disorder.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He ___________ hyperlipidemic. He __________ hyperlipidemia.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She _________ obese. She ___________ obesity.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He _________ jaundiced. He ___________ jaundice.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She __________ leukemic. She ___________ leukemia.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He ________ septic. He _________ sepsis.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She _________ tachycardic. She ___________ tachycardia.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He __________ bradycardic. He _________ bradycardia.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She _________ insomniac. She __________ insomnia.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He __________ allergic. He __________ allergies.

    • is, has
    • has is

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    She ________ hypotensive. She ________ hypotension.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

  • Question of

    He _________ hyperglycemic. He _________ hyperglycemia.

    • has is
    • is, has

    Correct Wrong

Written by englishmelon

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OET Warm Up Questions

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