
English Booster

Day 1 Present Tense

Today’s questions and answers should be in Present Tense.

  1. Write 10 sentences about a place that you love to visit. Start: “I like to visit a small forest behind my primary school.” (Use only present tense – is, am, are, has, have, do, does).

Day 2 Past Tense

The Hidden Garden

In the small town of Glenwood, there was a legend about a hidden garden filled with the most beautiful flowers anyone had ever seen. Many people had tried to find it, but none succeeded. The garden was said to be guarded by a wise old woman named Eliza, who only revealed its location to those who truly deserved it.

One summer, a young girl named Lucy decided she would find the hidden garden. She had heard stories from her grandmother, who had once seen the garden in her youth. Determined, Lucy set out early one morning with a backpack filled with snacks, water, and her grandmother’s old map.

Lucy walked through the town, greeting the townsfolk as she went. Everyone wished her luck but warned her about the difficulty of the task ahead. She followed the map into the dense forest that bordered Glenwood. The forest was thick with trees and buzzing with the sounds of birds and insects.

After hours of walking, Lucy stumbled upon an old, twisted tree that looked exactly like the one on her grandmother’s map. She knew she was close. She walked around the tree, searching for any signs or clues. Suddenly, she noticed a small, almost invisible path leading deeper into the forest.

Following the path, Lucy came to a clearing where she found Eliza sitting on a large rock. The old woman smiled warmly and said, “I’ve been expecting you, Lucy.”

Lucy was surprised but not afraid. She approached Eliza and asked, “Can you show me the hidden garden?”

Eliza nodded and replied, “Only if you can answer my riddle.” She then asked, “What blooms when it is alive but shrivels when it dies?”

Lucy thought for a moment and then answered confidently, “A flower.”

Eliza’s smile widened. “You are correct,” she said. “Follow me.”

Eliza led Lucy through the clearing and down a hidden path. After a short walk, they arrived at a gate covered in vines. Eliza pushed the gate open, and there, in all its glory, was the hidden garden. The flowers were more beautiful than Lucy had ever imagined, with vibrant colors and sweet fragrances that filled the air.

Lucy spent the day exploring the garden, picking flowers, and making memories she would cherish forever. When it was time to leave, Eliza told her, “You have a kind heart, Lucy. Remember, this garden will always be here for those who seek it with pure intentions.”

Lucy thanked Eliza and promised to keep the garden’s secret safe. She returned home that evening, her heart full of joy and her backpack filled with the most beautiful flowers from the hidden garden.


  1. What is the name of the town where the hidden garden is located?
  2. Who guards the hidden garden?
  3. Who decided to find the hidden garden?
  4. What did Lucy’s grandmother have that helped Lucy?
  5. What bordered the town of Glenwood?
  6. What did Lucy find that looked exactly like the one on her grandmother’s map?
  7. Who did Lucy find sitting on a large rock in the clearing?
  8. What did Eliza ask Lucy to solve before showing her the garden?
  9. What was the answer to Eliza’s riddle?
  10. What covered the gate to the hidden garden?

Written by englishmelon

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