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Case Notes 51.1 Jessica Morris

Occupational English test – Writing (Nursing)


  • You have 45 minutes to write this letter.
  • During the first 5 minutes, you should not pick the pencil.
  • Start writing only when you are told.
  • During the Reading Time, try to understand the case notes.

Melons Steps

  • Eliminate (E) irrelevant information.
  • Launch (L) the letter with DADR.
  • Open (O) the letter with PRPDD or PRPTT.
  • Narrate (N) the remaining paragraphs using V or W.
  • Sign (S) the letter with S/F.

Melons Errors

  • Punctuation “Marks”.
  • Follow “Expansion” Rules.
  • Obey “Language” Rules.
  • Have an “Order” (DADR, PRPDD, V/W, S/F)
  • Do not change “Names”.
  • Sex (Mr, Ms, Mrs, His, Her).

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Jessica Morris was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of severe abdominal pain and nausea. After a thorough examination, she underwent an emergency appendectomy. She is currently recovering well and you are her charge nurse.

Today’s Date: 29 July 2024

Patient Details:

  • Name: Mrs. Jessica Morris.
  • Age: 42 years.
  • Husband: David (45), works as an accountant, very supportive, present during admission.
  • Children: Two children (ages 8 and 10), well-cared for by husband during hospitalization.
  • Hobbies: Gardening, cooking.
  • Lifestyle: No smoking or drinking habits; active lifestyle, enjoys family activities
  • Address: 112 Maple Street, Sydney.
  • Admitted: City Hospital, Sydney, 27 July 2024.
  • Discharge: 30 July 2024.


  • Acute Appendicitis.
  • Severe Abdominal Pain and Nausea.

Medical Background:

  • Past Medical History: No significant past medical issues; no known allergies
  • Current Medications: Ceftriaxone 1 g IV once daily for 5 days; Paracetamol 500 mg orally every 6 hours as needed for pain; Antiemetics: Ondansetron 4 mg orally every 8 hours as needed for nausea

Nursing Management and Progress:

  • Surgical Procedure: Appendectomy performed on 27 July 2024.
  • Wound Care: Dressing on surgical site to be changed daily; site should be kept clean and dry.
  • Pain Management: Regular analgesics administered; pain level consistently managed with current medication.
  • Observation: Monitoring for signs of infection or complications; no signs of fever or abnormal discharge noted


  • Recovery progressing well. No signs of infection / complications.
  • Pain Manageable (current analgesics); Patient reports minimal discomfort.
  • Mobility: Ambulating (with minimal support); vitals stable, within normal ranges.

Discharge Plan:

  • Continue to keep the surgical site clean and dry; monitor for signs of infection such as increased redness or swelling.
  • Continue Ceftriaxone and Paracetamol as prescribed; ensure completion of antibiotic course.
  • Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, intense physical exertion (at least 2 weeks).
  • Follow-Up Appointment in one week to assess recovery and remove stitches if necessary.
  • Provide husband with detailed instructions on wound care and medication management.
  • Ensure adequate support at home for patient’s recovery and assist with childcare if needed.

Writing Task:

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Zelda Denizen, Community Health Nurse, 15 Walter’s Street, Sydney, who will be responsible for Mrs. Morris’ continued care at her home.

In your letter:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences.
  • Do not use note form.
  • Use letter format.

The body of the letter should be APPROXIMATELY 180-200 words.

Written by englishmelon

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