
NMC CBT Home Page

Part A (Numeracy)

  • Total Questions: 15.
  • Time: 30 Minutes.
  • Marks: 1 Mark per question.
  • You need to provide at least 14 out of 15 answers correctly.

Areas (Drug Calculations)

  1. Medication according to the weight.
  2. Intravenous drip calculations; Milliliter per hour.
  3. Intravenous drip rate; Drops per minute
  4. Intravenous fluid calculation; Units per hour.
  5. Converting value calculations.

Part B (Theory)

  • Total Questions: 100.
  • Special Questions: 20 Critical Questions on Patient, Public Safety.
  • Options for each Question: 4 (A, B, C, D)
  • Score per each Correct Answer: 1 Mark.
  • Time: 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Choose one of the 4 multiple options.
  • Pass Score: 68%.


  1. Being an accountable professional.
  2. Promoting health and preventing ill health.
  3. Assessing the need and planning care.
  4. Providing and evaluating care.
  5. Leading and managing nursing care and working in a team.
  6. Improving safety and quality of care.
  7. Coordinating Care.

Sample Questions, Options and Answers

Being an Accountable Professional

1. What is a primary responsibility of an accountable professional in the workplace?

A) Delegating all tasks to others
B) Fulfilling commitments and owning up to mistakes
C) Avoiding feedback from colleagues
D) Ignoring deadlines

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Fulfilling commitments and owning up to mistakes are key responsibilities of an accountable professional.

2. How should a professional handle feedback that highlights areas for improvement?

A) Dismiss the feedback as irrelevant
B) Reflect on the feedback and develop an action plan to improve
C) Ignore the feedback and continue as usual
D) Blame others for the shortcomings highlighted in the feedback

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Reflecting on feedback and developing an action plan demonstrates accountability and a commitment to improvement.

3. What does it mean to demonstrate professional integrity?

A) Following personal preferences rather than company policies
B) Upholding ethical standards and being honest in all professional dealings
C) Avoiding conflicts and disagreements
D) Ensuring personal gain is prioritized over professional duties

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Demonstrating professional integrity involves upholding ethical standards and being honest.

4. What should a professional do if they are unsure about the ethics of a particular action?

A) Proceed with the action without concern
B) Consult with a supervisor or ethics committee for guidance
C) Ignore ethical considerations
D) Seek to gain personal advantage from the situation

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Consulting with a supervisor or ethics committee ensures ethical concerns are addressed properly.

5. How can professionals show accountability in their decision-making processes?

A) Making decisions based solely on personal opinion
B) Relying on gut feelings without evidence
C) Using evidence-based information and considering potential outcomes
D) Avoiding decision-making responsibilities

Correct Answer: C | Explanation: Using evidence-based information and considering potential outcomes demonstrates accountable decision-making.

2. Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health

1. What is a key strategy for promoting health in a community setting?

A) Ignoring public health guidelines
B) Educating the public about healthy lifestyle choices
C) Reducing access to health resources
D) Avoiding health screenings

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Educating the public about healthy lifestyle choices is crucial for promoting health.

2. How can a healthcare professional effectively prevent illness in a high-risk population?

A) Provide regular screenings and vaccinations
B) Focus solely on treating existing conditions
C) Avoid offering preventive care services
D) Limit interactions with the high-risk population

Correct Answer: A | Explanation: Regular screenings and vaccinations are essential for preventing illness in high-risk populations.

3. What role does nutrition play in health promotion?

A) It is irrelevant to overall health
B) Proper nutrition supports overall health and can prevent various chronic diseases
C) It only affects weight management
D) It has no impact on disease prevention

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Proper nutrition supports overall health and can help prevent chronic diseases.

4. What is a common approach to reducing the spread of infectious diseases?

A) Promoting hand hygiene and vaccination
B) Ignoring hygiene practices
C) Limiting public health interventions
D) Avoiding communication about health risks

Correct Answer: A | Explanation: Promoting hand hygiene and vaccination helps reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

5. How can mental health be effectively supported in a community setting?

A) By ignoring mental health issues
B) By providing access to mental health resources and support services
C) By avoiding discussions about mental health
D) By focusing only on physical health

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Providing access to mental health resources and support services is key to supporting mental health.

3. Assessing the Need and Planning Care

1. What is the first step in planning patient care?

A) Implementing a treatment plan
B) Assessing the patient’s needs and preferences
C) Disregarding patient input
D) Focusing solely on medical conditions

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Assessing the patient’s needs and preferences is the first step in planning effective care.

2. How should a nurse approach the assessment of a patient’s needs?

A) Rely on previous assessments without current updates
B) Conduct a thorough and individualized assessment
C) Use a generic assessment form for all patients
D) Avoid discussing the patient’s concerns

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: A thorough and individualized assessment ensures that patient needs are accurately identified and addressed.

3. What is the purpose of setting SMART goals in care planning?

A) To create vague and broad objectives
B) To establish Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals
C) To focus solely on long-term outcomes
D) To avoid tracking progress

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: SMART goals ensure that objectives are clear and achievable, improving the effectiveness of care planning.

4. How should a nurse involve a patient in their care planning?

A) Make decisions without patient input
B) Encourage patient participation and consider their preferences and values
C) Limit patient involvement to avoid confusion
D) Avoid discussing treatment options with the patient

Correct Answer: B | Explanation: Encouraging patient participation and considering their preferences ensures care is patient-centered and effective.

5. What is an essential component of a comprehensive care assessment? A) Only focusing on the patient’s physical health
B) Evaluating the patient’s overall well-being, including physical, emotional, and social aspects
C) Ignoring patient history and background
D) Relying solely on medical tests
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Evaluating the patient’s overall well-being, including physical, emotional, and social aspects, provides a comprehensive assessment.

4. Providing and Evaluating Care

1. What is a critical aspect of evaluating the effectiveness of patient care? A) Ignoring patient feedback
B) Regularly reviewing patient outcomes and making necessary adjustments
C) Following a static care plan without modifications
D) Avoiding discussions about care effectiveness
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Regularly reviewing patient outcomes and making adjustments ensures that care remains effective and relevant.

2. How can a nurse ensure that care provided is patient-centered? A) Prioritize the nurse’s preferences over patient needs
B) Tailor care plans to individual patient needs and preferences
C) Standardize care plans for all patients
D) Limit patient involvement in care decisions
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Tailoring care plans to individual patient needs and preferences ensures that care is patient-centered.

3. What is the purpose of documenting patient care? A) To fulfill administrative requirements only
B) To provide a detailed record of care provided and patient responses
C) To keep records for legal reasons only
D) To reduce communication with other healthcare providers
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Documenting patient care provides a detailed record that helps in continuity of care and evaluation.

4. What should a nurse do if a care plan is not achieving the desired outcomes? A) Continue with the same plan without changes
B) Reassess the patient’s needs and revise the care plan as needed
C) Blame the patient for lack of progress
D) Avoid making any changes to the plan
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Reassessing the patient’s needs and revising the care plan ensures that it remains effective.

5. What is an important consideration when providing care to a patient with a chronic condition? A) Focusing solely on immediate symptoms
B) Developing a long-term care plan that includes self-management strategies
C) Ignoring the patient’s daily challenges
D) Avoiding patient education on their condition
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Developing a long-term care plan with self-management strategies helps patients manage chronic conditions effectively.

5. Leading and Managing Nursing Care and Working in a Team

1. What is a key responsibility of a nurse leader in managing a team? A) Micromanaging every task performed by team members
B) Providing guidance, support, and fostering collaboration among team members
C) Avoiding team meetings and discussions
D) Focusing only on individual performance
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Providing guidance, support, and fostering collaboration helps manage and lead a nursing team effectively.

2. How can a nurse leader promote a positive team environment? A) Avoid addressing conflicts and issues
B) Encourage open communication and recognize team achievements
C) Ignore team member input
D) Prioritize personal goals over team goals
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Encouraging open communication and recognizing achievements fosters a positive and collaborative team environment.

3. What is an essential skill for effective team management in nursing? A) Avoiding delegation of tasks
B) Delegating tasks appropriately and supporting team members
C) Overlooking team members’ strengths and weaknesses
D) Working in isolation from the team
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Delegating tasks appropriately and supporting team members is crucial for effective team management.

4. What should a nurse manager do to address underperformance within the team? A) Ignore the issue and hope it improves
B) Provide constructive feedback and develop a performance improvement plan
C) Publicly criticize the team member
D) Avoid setting performance expectations
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Providing constructive feedback and developing a performance improvement plan helps address underperformance effectively.

5. How can a nurse leader ensure that team members are engaged and motivated? A) Set unclear goals and expectations
B) Involve team members in decision-making and provide opportunities for professional development
C) Avoid recognizing individual contributions
D) Focus solely on administrative tasks
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Involving team members in decision-making and providing development opportunities helps keep them engaged and motivated.

6. Improving Safety and Quality of Care

1. What is a fundamental approach to improving patient safety? A) Ignoring safety protocols to save time
B) Adhering to established safety protocols and procedures
C) Avoiding safety checks
D) Delegating safety responsibilities to others
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Adhering to established safety protocols and procedures is fundamental to improving patient safety.

2. How can a nurse contribute to improving the quality of care? A) Focus only on completing tasks quickly
B) Continuously monitor and evaluate care processes and outcomes
C) Avoid seeking feedback from patients
D) Work independently without collaboration
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Continuously monitoring and evaluating care processes and outcomes helps improve the quality of care.

3. What role does patient feedback play in improving care quality? A) It is not relevant to care improvement
B) Patient feedback provides valuable insights for enhancing care and addressing issues
C) It should be ignored to maintain standard procedures
D) It only complicates the care process
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Patient feedback provides insights that are crucial for enhancing care and addressing quality issues.

4. What is an example of a quality improvement initiative in healthcare? A) Implementing a new patient safety protocol based on recent evidence
B) Continuing outdated practices without review
C) Reducing the frequency of patient assessments
D) Avoiding the use of performance data
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Implementing new safety protocols based on evidence is an example of a quality improvement initiative.

5. How should a nurse address a potential safety hazard in the clinical setting? A) Ignore the hazard to avoid disruption
B) Report the hazard immediately and take corrective actions
C) Wait until someone else notices it
D) Cover it up to maintain workflow
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Reporting and addressing safety hazards immediately ensures that corrective actions are taken to prevent harm.

7. Coordinating Care

1. What is a key component of effective care coordination? A) Working in isolation from other healthcare providers
B) Collaborating with various healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive patient care
C) Avoiding communication with other team members
D) Focusing solely on individual tasks
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Collaborating with various healthcare professionals ensures comprehensive and effective patient care coordination.

2. How can a nurse improve coordination of care for a patient with multiple chronic conditions? A) Manage each condition separately without considering their interactions
B) Develop a comprehensive care plan that integrates management of all conditions
C) Avoid updating the care plan based on the patient’s changing needs
D) Focus only on immediate symptoms
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Developing a comprehensive care plan that integrates the management of all conditions ensures better coordination of care.

3. What is an important step in coordinating care transitions for a patient being discharged from the hospital? A) Disregard discharge instructions and follow-up appointments
B) Ensure clear communication with the patient and their primary care provider about the care plan and follow-up needs
C) Limit patient and family involvement in discharge planning
D) Avoid providing written instructions for follow-up care
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Clear communication with the patient and their primary care provider about the care plan and follow-up needs is essential for effective care transitions.

4. What role does information sharing play in care coordination? A) It complicates the care process
B) It facilitates coordination by providing all relevant information to involved healthcare providers
C) It is unnecessary if providers work independently
D) It should be limited to maintain privacy
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Information sharing facilitates coordination by ensuring that all relevant details are available to healthcare providers.

5. How can a nurse ensure that care plans are effectively communicated to all team members? A) Use verbal communication only
B) Document and share care plans through a centralized electronic health record system
C) Rely solely on informal communication
D) Limit access to care plans to selected team members
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Documenting and sharing care plans through a centralized system ensures that all team members have access to the necessary information.



1. Surgery Scenario

Situation: During a routine appendectomy, the surgeon notices unexpected bleeding from a blood vessel.
Question: What should the surgical team do to address the unexpected bleeding?
A) Continue the procedure and address the bleeding later
B) Apply pressure and call for a consult from a hematologist
C) Pause the surgery, identify the source of bleeding, and apply appropriate hemostatic measures
D) Complete the surgery as planned without addressing the bleeding
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Pausing the surgery, identifying the source of bleeding, and applying appropriate hemostatic measures is crucial for managing unexpected complications.

2. Recovery Scenario

Situation: A patient recovering from hip replacement surgery begins to experience sudden shortness of breath and chest pain.
Question: What should the recovery team do first?
A) Administer a pain reliever and monitor the patient
B) Check for signs of a possible pulmonary embolism and call for immediate evaluation
C) Increase the oxygen flow and continue monitoring
D) Document the symptoms and wait for the next scheduled assessment
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Checking for signs of a pulmonary embolism and calling for immediate evaluation is critical due to the potential seriousness of the symptoms.

3. Injection Scenario

Situation: After administering an intramuscular injection, a patient develops a large swelling and redness at the injection site.
Question: What is the most appropriate action to take?
A) Apply a warm compress and monitor for further symptoms
B) Ignore the swelling unless the patient complains
C) Perform a full assessment and consider the possibility of an allergic reaction or infection
D) Administer another injection in a different site
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Performing a full assessment helps determine whether the swelling is due to an allergic reaction or infection, which is crucial for proper management.

4. Postoperative Care Scenario

Situation: A patient recovering from abdominal surgery reports severe abdominal pain, nausea, and a high fever.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Administer an antiemetic and pain reliever without further investigation
B) Conduct a thorough assessment and consult with the surgical team to rule out complications such as infection or internal bleeding
C) Wait until the next scheduled check-up to report the symptoms
D) Increase the patient’s fluid intake and observe for improvement
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A thorough assessment and consultation with the surgical team are essential to rule out serious complications.

5. Catheter Insertion Scenario

Situation: During the insertion of a urinary catheter, the patient experiences severe discomfort and blood is seen in the urine.
Question: What is the appropriate response?
A) Continue with the insertion and monitor the patient
B) Stop the procedure, assess for possible complications, and ensure proper technique was followed
C) Reinsert the catheter immediately in a different position
D) Document the discomfort and continue without additional intervention
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Stopping the procedure to assess for complications ensures that any issues are identified and managed properly.

6. Wound Care Scenario

Situation: A patient with a post-surgical wound develops increased redness, swelling, and purulent discharge.
Question: What should the nurse do next?
A) Clean the wound and apply a new dressing
B) Monitor the wound for changes and document the findings
C) Notify the healthcare provider for evaluation and possible treatment of an infection
D) Ignore the symptoms unless the patient develops a fever
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Notifying the healthcare provider is essential to address potential infection and determine appropriate treatment.

7. Pain Management Scenario

Situation: A patient recovering from spinal surgery reports uncontrolled pain despite medication.
Question: What is the best course of action?
A) Increase the medication dosage without further evaluation
B) Assess the patient’s pain level, review the effectiveness of current pain management strategies, and consult with the healthcare provider
C) Discontinue the pain medication and observe for changes
D) Document the pain level and wait until the next scheduled dose
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assessing the pain level and consulting with the healthcare provider helps ensure appropriate management of pain.

8. IV Infusion Scenario

Situation: A patient receiving an intravenous infusion develops swelling and discomfort at the infusion site.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Adjust the infusion rate and continue monitoring the site
B) Discontinue the infusion, assess the site for signs of infiltration or phlebitis, and start a new IV line if needed
C) Apply a cold compress and observe for improvement
D) Increase the infusion rate to reduce swelling
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Discontinuing the infusion and assessing the site for signs of infiltration or phlebitis ensures that complications are managed appropriately.

9. Medication Administration Scenario

Situation: A patient shows signs of an allergic reaction shortly after receiving a new medication.
Question: What is the immediate action to take?
A) Continue monitoring the patient and administer an antihistamine
B) Stop the medication, assess the severity of the reaction, and provide appropriate treatment
C) Document the reaction and continue with the medication
D) Increase the medication dose to counteract the reaction
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Stopping the medication and assessing the reaction ensures that appropriate treatment is given and prevents further complications.

10. Post-Anesthesia Scenario

Situation: A patient who has just woken up from anesthesia exhibits confusion and agitation.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Reassure the patient and wait for the agitation to subside
B) Assess the patient’s vital signs and check for possible complications from anesthesia
C) Administer a sedative to calm the patient
D) Discharge the patient as soon as they are more coherent
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assessing vital signs and checking for complications ensures that any issues related to anesthesia are promptly addressed.

11. Blood Transfusion Scenario

Situation: During a blood transfusion, the patient starts experiencing chills, fever, and back pain.
Question: What is the appropriate response?
A) Increase the transfusion rate to complete it faster
B) Stop the transfusion immediately, assess the patient, and notify the healthcare provider for a possible transfusion reaction
C) Continue with the transfusion and provide symptomatic relief
D) Document the symptoms and continue with the transfusion
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Stopping the transfusion and assessing the patient helps manage a possible transfusion reaction promptly.

12. Patient Mobility Scenario

Situation: A patient who is being assisted with mobility begins to complain of sudden leg weakness and dizziness.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Continue assisting with mobility and provide hydration
B) Assist the patient to a safe position, assess for possible causes of weakness and dizziness, and monitor vital signs
C) Ignore the symptoms and proceed with mobility exercises
D) Increase the patient’s physical activity level gradually
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assisting the patient to a safe position and assessing for possible causes ensures that any underlying issues are addressed.

13. Tube Feeding Scenario

Situation: A patient receiving tube feeding develops nausea and vomiting shortly after feeding.
Question: What is the appropriate action?
A) Continue with the feeding and monitor the patient
B) Stop the tube feeding, assess the patient, and consult with the healthcare provider for possible causes of the reaction
C) Increase the feeding rate to minimize nausea
D) Change the feeding formula without further assessment
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Stopping the feeding, assessing the patient, and consulting with the healthcare provider helps identify and manage the cause of the nausea and vomiting.

14. Surgical Site Infection Scenario

Situation: A patient with a recent surgical wound shows signs of infection including fever and increased drainage.
Question: What should be done?
A) Clean the wound and apply a new dressing
B) Notify the healthcare provider to assess the infection and consider antibiotics or other treatments
C) Increase the frequency of dressing changes without further intervention
D) Monitor the patient’s temperature and wait for further instructions
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Notifying the healthcare provider ensures that the infection is assessed and treated appropriately.

15. Anesthesia Reaction Scenario

Situation: A patient exhibits signs of respiratory distress shortly after receiving anesthesia.
Question: What is the best immediate action?
A) Reassure the patient and continue with the planned procedure
B) Administer supplemental oxygen and seek immediate medical assistance
C) Adjust the anesthesia dose and continue monitoring
D) Document the symptoms and proceed with the procedure
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Administering supplemental oxygen and seeking immediate medical assistance is crucial for managing respiratory distress.

16. Pain Management Scenario

Situation: After a major surgery, a patient’s pain is poorly controlled despite prescribed medication.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Increase the medication dose without consulting the provider
B) Assess the effectiveness of current pain management, review pain management options, and consult with the healthcare provider
C) Ignore the pain and continue with the current regimen
D) Discharge the patient as soon as possible to manage pain at home
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assessing the effectiveness of pain management and consulting with the healthcare provider ensures appropriate adjustments are made.

17. Medication Reaction Scenario

Situation: A patient develops a rash and difficulty breathing after starting a new medication.
Question: What is the appropriate response?
A) Continue the medication and monitor the patient
B) Discontinue the medication, assess for an allergic reaction, and provide appropriate treatment
C) Administer an antihistamine and continue with the medication
D) Document the reaction and proceed with treatment as usual
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Discontinuing the medication and assessing for an allergic reaction is essential to prevent further complications.

18. Fluid Overload Scenario

Situation: A patient receiving intravenous fluids shows signs of swelling and shortness of breath.
Question: What should be done?
A) Increase the infusion rate to relieve symptoms
B) Stop the infusion, assess the patient for fluid overload, and notify the healthcare provider
C) Administer diuretics without consulting the provider
D) Continue with the infusion and provide supplemental oxygen
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Stopping the infusion and assessing for fluid overload helps manage the situation and prevent further complications.

19. Wound Dehiscence Scenario

Situation: A patient’s surgical wound begins to separate at the edges.
Question: What is the immediate action?
A) Apply a new dressing and monitor the wound
B) Assess the wound, provide appropriate wound care, and consult with the healthcare provider for further management
C) Ignore the dehiscence and continue with postoperative care
D) Apply an antimicrobial ointment and wait for improvement
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assessing the wound and consulting with the healthcare provider ensures that appropriate care is provided for wound dehiscence.

20. Sepsis Scenario

Situation: A postoperative patient shows signs of confusion, fever, and a rapid heart rate.
Question: What should the nurse do?
A) Administer antipyretics and continue monitoring
B) Assess for signs of sepsis, initiate appropriate interventions, and notify the healthcare provider immediately
C) Wait until the symptoms worsen before taking action
D) Document the symptoms and adjust the patient’s environment
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Assessing for signs of sepsis and initiating appropriate interventions is critical for managing a potentially life-threatening condition.

More Questions

  • Scenario: Emily Davis, a 28-year-old woman, presents with a high fever, rash, and joint pain. What should be your first action?
    • A) Prescribe antibiotics
    • B) Order blood tests
    • C) Refer her to a specialist
    • D) Advise rest and fluids

    Correct Answer: B) Order blood tests
    Explanation: To diagnose the cause of Emily’s symptoms accurately, ordering blood tests is essential. Symptoms like fever, rash, and joint pain could indicate various conditions, including infections or autoimmune diseases. Blood tests help in identifying the underlying issue.

  • Scenario: Mark, a 45-year-old man, is experiencing chest pain radiating to his left arm. What should be the immediate action?
    • A) Perform an ECG
    • B) Prescribe painkillers
    • C) Recommend lifestyle changes
    • D) Send him home with rest instructions

    Correct Answer: A) Perform an ECG
    Explanation: Chest pain radiating to the left arm could be indicative of a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Performing an ECG is critical for diagnosing cardiac issues and determining appropriate treatment.

  • Scenario: Sarah, a 35-year-old woman, reports sudden loss of vision in one eye. What is the first step in her evaluation?
    • A) Refer her to an ophthalmologist
    • B) Prescribe corticosteroids
    • C) Conduct a vision test
    • D) Advise on eye protection

    Correct Answer: C) Conduct a vision test
    Explanation: The first step in evaluating sudden loss of vision is to conduct a vision test to assess the extent of the problem and guide further diagnostic steps or referrals.

  • Scenario: John, a 60-year-old man, has a history of hypertension and presents with a severe headache. What should you do next?
    • A) Measure blood pressure
    • B) Recommend a pain reliever
    • C) Advise him to rest
    • D) Order a CT scan

    Correct Answer: A) Measure blood pressure
    Explanation: A severe headache in a patient with hypertension requires immediate measurement of blood pressure to assess if the headache is related to hypertensive crisis or other complications.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with severe abdominal pain and vomiting. What is the most appropriate initial step?
    • A) Start IV fluids
    • B) Obtain a thorough history
    • C) Administer anti-nausea medication
    • D) Refer for an abdominal ultrasound

    Correct Answer: B) Obtain a thorough history
    Explanation: A thorough history is crucial to understand the onset, duration, and nature of the symptoms, which helps in forming a differential diagnosis and planning further investigation or treatment.

  • Scenario: Lisa, a 22-year-old woman, is complaining of frequent urination and increased thirst. What should be your initial approach?
    • A) Check for a urinary tract infection
    • B) Order a glucose tolerance test
    • C) Prescribe a diuretic
    • D) Recommend a dietary change

    Correct Answer: B) Order a glucose tolerance test
    Explanation: Frequent urination and increased thirst are symptoms of diabetes. Ordering a glucose tolerance test helps in diagnosing or ruling out diabetes.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old man with diabetes presents with a foot ulcer. What is the first step in management?
    • A) Start antibiotic therapy
    • B) Refer to a wound care specialist
    • C) Perform a thorough foot examination
    • D) Advise foot elevation

    Correct Answer: C) Perform a thorough foot examination
    Explanation: A thorough foot examination is essential to assess the severity and possible underlying issues of the ulcer before deciding on specific treatment or referrals.

  • Scenario: Emily, a 30-year-old woman, shows signs of depression. What should you do first?
    • A) Prescribe antidepressants
    • B) Recommend counseling
    • C) Conduct a mental health assessment
    • D) Advise lifestyle changes

    Correct Answer: C) Conduct a mental health assessment
    Explanation: A mental health assessment helps in diagnosing the type and severity of depression and determining the most appropriate treatment plan.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with symptoms of a respiratory infection. What is the first step in management?
    • A) Start antiviral medication
    • B) Order a chest X-ray
    • C) Provide symptomatic relief
    • D) Obtain a sputum culture

    Correct Answer: D) Obtain a sputum culture
    Explanation: Obtaining a sputum culture helps identify the causative organism of the respiratory infection, guiding targeted treatment.

  • Scenario: A 70-year-old patient with a history of stroke presents with sudden weakness on one side of the body. What should be the immediate action?
    • A) Perform a physical exam
    • B) Administer clot-busting medication
    • C) Order a brain MRI
    • D) Check blood glucose levels

    Correct Answer: C) Order a brain MRI
    Explanation: A brain MRI is crucial in diagnosing the type of stroke and assessing the extent of brain damage, which influences treatment decisions.

  • Scenario: Sarah, a 40-year-old woman, has been feeling fatigued and has an elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level. What is the likely diagnosis?
    • A) Hyperthyroidism
    • B) Hypothyroidism
    • C) Diabetes mellitus
    • D) Anemia

    Correct Answer: B) Hypothyroidism
    Explanation: Elevated TSH levels typically indicate hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is underactive.

  • Scenario: A 55-year-old man with a history of heart disease presents with swelling in his legs. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    • B) B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) test
    • C) Chest X-ray
    • D) Echocardiogram

    Correct Answer: B) B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) test
    Explanation: The BNP test helps diagnose heart failure, which can cause leg swelling due to fluid retention.

  • Scenario: A patient reports a sudden onset of dizziness and blurred vision. What should be the initial evaluation?
    • A) Conduct a neurological exam
    • B) Measure blood pressure
    • C) Order an eye examination
    • D) Check blood glucose levels

    Correct Answer: A) Conduct a neurological exam
    Explanation: Sudden dizziness and blurred vision could indicate a neurological issue such as a stroke or transient ischemic attack. A neurological exam helps in assessing potential causes.

  • Scenario: A 29-year-old woman presents with joint pain and morning stiffness. What is the most appropriate first step in diagnosis?
    • A) Order rheumatoid factor test
    • B) Start nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • C) Refer to a rheumatologist
    • D) Advise physical therapy

    Correct Answer: A) Order rheumatoid factor test
    Explanation: The rheumatoid factor test helps diagnose rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune conditions that cause joint pain and stiffness.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old man with a history of chronic bronchitis presents with worsening cough and shortness of breath. What should be the next step in management?
    • A) Increase use of inhalers
    • B) Order a lung function test
    • C) Refer for chest physiotherapy
    • D) Prescribe antibiotics

    Correct Answer: B) Order a lung function test
    Explanation: A lung function test assesses the severity of bronchitis and helps in adjusting treatment accordingly.

  • Scenario: A 45-year-old woman with a family history of breast cancer finds a lump in her breast. What should be the initial diagnostic step?
    • A) Order a mammogram
    • B) Conduct a breast ultrasound
    • C) Perform a breast biopsy
    • D) Refer to an oncologist

    Correct Answer: A) Order a mammogram
    Explanation: A mammogram is the first step in evaluating a breast lump to assess its characteristics and guide further investigation.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with persistent cough and weight loss. What is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Chest X-ray
    • B) Sputum culture
    • C) Blood tests
    • D) CT scan of the chest

    Correct Answer: A) Chest X-ray
    Explanation: A chest X-ray helps identify potential causes of persistent cough and weight loss, such as infections, tumors, or other pulmonary conditions.

  • Scenario: A 33-year-old woman with irregular menstrual cycles and acne presents for evaluation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    • A) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • B) Thyroid dysfunction
    • C) Endometriosis
    • D) Menopause

    Correct Answer: A) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    Explanation: Irregular menstrual cycles and acne are common symptoms of PCOS, a condition affecting hormone levels and ovarian function.

  • Scenario: A 40-year-old man with a history of asthma reports increased use of his rescue inhaler. What is the most appropriate next step?
    • A) Increase the dose of the rescue inhaler
    • B) Evaluate for poor asthma control
    • C) Prescribe oral steroids
    • D) Recommend allergy testing

    Correct Answer: B) Evaluate for poor asthma control
    Explanation: Increased use of a rescue inhaler may indicate poor asthma control, necessitating a review of the patient’s asthma management plan and potential adjustments.

  • Scenario: A 60-year-old woman with a history of osteoporosis presents with back pain after lifting a heavy object. What should be the initial management?
    • A) Order a spinal X-ray
    • B) Recommend bed rest
    • C) Prescribe pain medication
    • D) Perform a bone density test

    Correct Answer: A) Order a spinal X-ray
    Explanation: A spinal X-ray helps evaluate possible fractures or other issues related to back pain in patients with osteoporosis.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old patient presents with symptoms of jaundice and dark urine. What is the first step in evaluation?
    • A) Order liver function tests
    • B) Perform an abdominal ultrasound
    • C) Refer to a hepatologist
    • D) Prescribe liver protectants

    Correct Answer: A) Order liver function tests
    Explanation: Liver function tests help in diagnosing the cause of jaundice and dark urine by assessing liver health and function.

  • Scenario: A 25-year-old woman presents with severe abdominal pain and vomiting after eating a large meal. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Order an abdominal ultrasound
    • B) Conduct a physical examination
    • C) Measure serum amylase and lipase
    • D) Prescribe antiemetics

    Correct Answer: C) Measure serum amylase and lipase
    Explanation: Elevated levels of amylase and lipase can indicate pancreatitis, which is consistent with severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of chronic kidney disease presents with swelling in the legs. What should be the next step in management?
    • A) Increase fluid intake
    • B) Check renal function tests
    • C) Prescribe diuretics
    • D) Recommend dietary changes

    Correct Answer: B) Check renal function tests
    Explanation: Checking renal function tests helps assess the progression of chronic kidney disease and guide management of symptoms such as leg swelling.

  • Scenario: A 45-year-old woman presents with a new-onset headache and vision changes. What is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Perform a fundoscopic examination
    • B) Order a brain MRI
    • C) Measure blood pressure
    • D) Refer to a neurologist

    Correct Answer: A) Perform a fundoscopic examination
    Explanation: Fundoscopic examination helps identify possible causes of vision changes and headache, such as increased intracranial pressure or retinal pathology.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with an acute allergic reaction after eating peanuts. What should be the immediate treatment?
    • A) Administer antihistamines
    • B) Prescribe corticosteroids
    • C) Administer epinephrine
    • D) Provide supportive care

    Correct Answer: C) Administer epinephrine
    Explanation: Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and can rapidly reverse symptoms.

  • Scenario: A 70-year-old man with a history of diabetes presents with a non-healing foot wound. What is the most appropriate initial step?
    • A) Refer to a podiatrist
    • B) Start broad-spectrum antibiotics
    • C) Order a wound culture
    • D) Perform a vascular assessment

    Correct Answer: D) Perform a vascular assessment
    Explanation: A vascular assessment is crucial for evaluating blood flow to the foot, which affects wound healing in diabetic patients.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with symptoms of a possible stroke. What is the most important initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a CT scan of the brain
    • B) Perform a neurological examination
    • C) Check blood glucose levels
    • D) Measure blood pressure

    Correct Answer: A) Order a CT scan of the brain
    Explanation: A CT scan of the brain helps differentiate between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, which is critical for appropriate treatment.

  • Scenario: A 38-year-old woman with a history of multiple pregnancies presents with pelvic pain and irregular bleeding. What should be the initial investigation?
    • A) Order a pelvic ultrasound
    • B) Perform a Pap smear
    • C) Measure hormone levels
    • D) Refer to a gynecologist

    Correct Answer: A) Order a pelvic ultrasound
    Explanation: A pelvic ultrasound helps identify structural issues or abnormalities in the pelvis that could cause pain and irregular bleeding.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old man presents with sudden onset of severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. What should be the immediate diagnostic step?
    • A) Perform a physical examination
    • B) Order a CT scan of the abdomen
    • C) Check for signs of peritonitis
    • D) Administer pain relief

    Correct Answer: B) Order a CT scan of the abdomen
    Explanation: A CT scan helps in diagnosing acute abdominal conditions, such as appendicitis or bowel obstruction, that require urgent treatment.

  • Scenario: A 27-year-old woman with a history of recurrent headaches presents with symptoms suggestive of migraine. What should be the initial management?
    • A) Prescribe triptans
    • B) Recommend lifestyle modifications
    • C) Perform a CT scan
    • D) Start preventive medication

    Correct Answer: B) Recommend lifestyle modifications
    Explanation: Lifestyle modifications, such as managing stress and avoiding known triggers, are essential in managing migraines before considering medication.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with a persistent cough and recent weight loss. What is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Chest X-ray
    • B) Complete blood count (CBC)
    • C) Sputum culture
    • D) Lung function test

    Correct Answer: A) Chest X-ray
    Explanation: A chest X-ray is essential to assess for possible underlying conditions like pneumonia or malignancy that could cause persistent cough and weight loss.

  • Scenario: A 45-year-old woman with a history of hypertension presents with new-onset headaches and blurred vision. What should be the first diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a fundoscopic examination
    • B) Measure blood pressure
    • C) Perform a brain MRI
    • D) Check for visual field defects

    Correct Answer: B) Measure blood pressure
    Explanation: Measuring blood pressure helps assess if the headaches and blurred vision are related to poorly controlled hypertension or another condition.

  • Scenario: A 60-year-old man with a history of smoking presents with a persistent cough and hemoptysis. What is the initial diagnostic step?
    • A) Order a chest X-ray
    • B) Conduct a spirometry test
    • C) Refer to a pulmonologist
    • D) Perform a bronchoscopy

    Correct Answer: A) Order a chest X-ray
    Explanation: A chest X-ray helps identify potential lung pathology, such as lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), that could explain the symptoms.

  • Scenario: A 30-year-old woman presents with severe abdominal pain and irregular menstrual cycles. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    • A) Endometriosis
    • B) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • C) Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    • D) Ovarian cysts

    Correct Answer: A) Endometriosis
    Explanation: Severe abdominal pain and irregular menstrual cycles are characteristic of endometriosis, where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of hyperthyroidism presents with weight loss and palpitations. What should be the next step in management?
    • A) Order a thyroid function test
    • B) Prescribe beta-blockers
    • C) Refer to an endocrinologist
    • D) Start antithyroid medication

    Correct Answer: A) Order a thyroid function test
    Explanation: A thyroid function test helps assess the current status of hyperthyroidism and guides further treatment decisions.

  • Scenario: A 28-year-old woman presents with fatigue, joint pain, and a rash. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Order a complete blood count (CBC)
    • B) Perform an antinuclear antibody (ANA) test
    • C) Conduct a joint aspiration
    • D) Measure serum electrolytes

    Correct Answer: B) Perform an antinuclear antibody (ANA) test
    Explanation: The ANA test helps diagnose autoimmune conditions like lupus, which can present with fatigue, joint pain, and rash.

  • Scenario: A 40-year-old man with a history of alcohol abuse presents with confusion and tremors. What is the most appropriate initial step in management?
    • A) Administer thiamine supplements
    • B) Perform a CT scan of the brain
    • C) Start a detoxification protocol
    • D) Conduct a liver function test

    Correct Answer: A) Administer thiamine supplements
    Explanation: Thiamine deficiency is common in alcohol abuse and can lead to Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Administering thiamine is crucial for preventing further neurological damage.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of chronic sinusitis presents with facial pain and fever. What is the most appropriate next step?
    • A) Prescribe antibiotics
    • B) Order a sinus CT scan
    • C) Recommend nasal decongestants
    • D) Refer to an ENT specialist

    Correct Answer: B) Order a sinus CT scan
    Explanation: A sinus CT scan helps evaluate the extent and severity of sinusitis and guides appropriate treatment.

  • Scenario: A 55-year-old woman presents with sudden weight loss and fatigue. What should be the first diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a thyroid function test
    • B) Conduct a complete blood count (CBC)
    • C) Perform a chest X-ray
    • D) Measure serum electrolytes

    Correct Answer: B) Conduct a complete blood count (CBC)
    Explanation: A CBC helps identify potential causes of weight loss and fatigue, such as anemia or malignancy.

  • Scenario: A 35-year-old man with a history of chronic back pain presents with new onset of leg weakness. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Perform a lumbar spine MRI
    • B) Order a bone density test
    • C) Conduct a physical examination
    • D) Measure serum calcium levels

    Correct Answer: A) Perform a lumbar spine MRI
    Explanation: A lumbar spine MRI helps diagnose potential causes of leg weakness, such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis.

More Questions

  • Scenario: A patient presents with symptoms of gout, including joint pain and swelling. What is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Perform joint aspiration
    • B) Order a serum uric acid test
    • C) Conduct a physical examination
    • D) Prescribe anti-inflammatory medications

    Correct Answer: A) Perform joint aspiration
    Explanation: Joint aspiration helps confirm the diagnosis of gout by allowing analysis of synovial fluid for uric acid crystals.

  • Scenario: A 45-year-old woman presents with symptoms of depression and insomnia. What is the first step in management?
    • A) Prescribe antidepressants
    • B) Recommend cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
    • C) Conduct a mental health assessment
    • D) Refer to a sleep specialist

    Correct Answer: C) Conduct a mental health assessment
    Explanation: A mental health assessment is necessary to determine the severity of depression and insomnia and to guide appropriate treatment.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old man presents with sudden onset of severe pain in the lower abdomen and fever. What should be the initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order an abdominal ultrasound
    • B) Perform a physical examination
    • C) Check for signs of appendicitis
    • D) Conduct a complete blood count (CBC)

    Correct Answer: A) Order an abdominal ultrasound
    Explanation: An abdominal ultrasound helps assess potential causes of acute abdominal pain and fever, such as appendicitis or other abdominal issues.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of diabetes presents with a swollen, red, and painful toe. What is the most appropriate next step in management?
    • A) Order a foot X-ray
    • B) Prescribe antibiotics
    • C) Refer to a podiatrist
    • D) Conduct a blood glucose test

    Correct Answer: B) Prescribe antibiotics
    Explanation: The presentation suggests an infection, possibly an ingrown toenail or diabetic foot infection. Antibiotics are needed to manage the infection.

  • Scenario: A 60-year-old man with a history of heart disease presents with shortness of breath and swelling in the legs. What should be the initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a chest X-ray
    • B) Conduct a pulmonary function test
    • C) Measure serum electrolytes
    • D) Perform an echocardiogram

    Correct Answer: A) Order a chest X-ray
    Explanation: A chest X-ray helps evaluate possible heart failure or other cardiac issues causing shortness of breath and leg swelling.

  • Scenario: A 70-year-old woman presents with symptoms of confusion and memory loss. What is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Conduct a mini-mental state examination (MMSE)
    • B) Order a brain MRI
    • C) Measure blood glucose levels
    • D) Perform a thyroid function test

    Correct Answer: A) Conduct a mini-mental state examination (MMSE)
    Explanation: The MMSE helps assess cognitive function and determine the extent of confusion and memory loss, guiding further diagnostic steps.

  • Scenario: A 25-year-old woman presents with severe menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. What is the first step in management?
    • A) Prescribe oral contraceptives
    • B) Recommend over-the-counter pain relievers
    • C) Conduct a pelvic examination
    • D) Perform a transvaginal ultrasound

    Correct Answer: C) Conduct a pelvic examination
    Explanation: A pelvic examination helps determine the cause of severe menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding, guiding appropriate treatment.

  • Scenario: A 40-year-old man with a history of smoking presents with a persistent cough and weight loss. What should be the initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a chest X-ray
    • B) Conduct a spirometry test
    • C) Refer to an oncologist
    • D) Perform a bronchoscopy

    Correct Answer: A) Order a chest X-ray
    Explanation: A chest X-ray is the first step in evaluating persistent cough and weight loss, especially in smokers, to identify potential lung pathology.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of heart disease presents with episodes of dizziness and shortness of breath. What should be the initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order an ECG
    • B) Perform a stress test
    • C) Conduct a chest X-ray
    • D) Measure blood pressure

    Correct Answer: A) Order an ECG
    Explanation: An ECG helps identify possible cardiac issues such as arrhythmias or ischemia that could cause dizziness and shortness of breath.

  • Scenario: A 32-year-old woman presents with symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    • A) Hypothyroidism
    • B) Hyperthyroidism
    • C) Diabetes mellitus
    • D) Adrenal insufficiency

    Correct Answer: A) Hypothyroidism
    Explanation: Symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance are characteristic of hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is underactive.

  • Scenario: A patient presents with a new onset of back pain and recent weight loss. What should be the initial diagnostic step?
    • A) Conduct a physical examination
    • B) Order a spine X-ray
    • C) Perform an MRI of the spine
    • D) Measure serum calcium levels

    Correct Answer: B) Order a spine X-ray
    Explanation: A spine X-ray helps identify structural issues or malignancies that could cause back pain and weight loss.

  • Scenario: A 40-year-old man with diabetes presents with a non-healing wound on his foot. What should be the next step in management?
    • A) Refer to a wound care specialist
    • B) Order a foot X-ray
    • C) Prescribe oral antibiotics
    • D) Conduct a vascular assessment

    Correct Answer: D) Conduct a vascular assessment
    Explanation: A vascular assessment is crucial for evaluating blood flow to the foot, which affects wound healing in diabetic patients.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old woman presents with symptoms of jaundice and abdominal pain. What should be the initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order liver function tests
    • B) Perform an abdominal ultrasound
    • C) Check for hepatitis markers
    • D) Conduct a complete blood count (CBC)

    Correct Answer: A) Order liver function tests
    Explanation: Liver function tests help assess liver health and diagnose conditions causing jaundice and abdominal pain.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of asthma presents with worsening symptoms despite using inhalers. What is the most appropriate next step?
    • A) Order a peak flow measurement
    • B) Increase the dose of inhalers
    • C) Refer to an allergist
    • D) Start oral steroids

    Correct Answer: A) Order a peak flow measurement
    Explanation: A peak flow measurement helps assess the current level of asthma control and guides adjustments in the treatment plan.

  • Scenario: A 60-year-old woman with a history of osteoporosis presents with back pain after lifting a heavy object. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Order a spinal X-ray
    • B) Prescribe analgesics
    • C) Refer to a rheumatologist
    • D) Perform a bone density test

    Correct Answer: A) Order a spinal X-ray
    Explanation: A spinal X-ray helps diagnose possible fractures or other issues related to osteoporosis and back pain.

  • Scenario: A 30-year-old woman presents with irregular menstrual cycles and acne. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    • A) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • B) Endometriosis
    • C) Thyroid dysfunction
    • D) Uterine fibroids

    Correct Answer: A) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    Explanation: Irregular menstrual cycles and acne are characteristic of PCOS, a common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age.

  • Scenario: A patient with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening dyspnea. What is the most appropriate initial management?
    • A) Administer bronchodilators
    • B) Prescribe corticosteroids
    • C) Order a chest X-ray
    • D) Perform spirometry

    Correct Answer: A) Administer bronchodilators
    Explanation: Bronchodilators are crucial for managing acute dyspnea in COPD patients, helping to open airways and improve breathing.

  • Scenario: A 50-year-old man presents with sudden onset of severe chest pain. What is the most important initial diagnostic test?
    • A) Order an ECG
    • B) Measure cardiac biomarkers
    • C) Perform a chest X-ray
    • D) Start antiplatelet therapy

    Correct Answer: A) Order an ECG
    Explanation: An ECG is essential for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction or other cardiac issues causing severe chest pain.

  • Scenario: A 45-year-old woman with a history of rheumatoid arthritis presents with new onset of morning stiffness and swelling in her joints. What is the most appropriate initial test?
    • A) Order a rheumatoid factor test
    • B) Perform a joint aspiration
    • C) Conduct a physical examination
    • D) Measure serum uric acid levels

    Correct Answer: A) Order a rheumatoid factor test
    Explanation: A rheumatoid factor test helps diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, which is consistent with morning stiffness and joint swelling.

  • Scenario: A 55-year-old man with a history of hypertension presents with new onset of shortness of breath and edema. What is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
    • A) Order a chest X-ray
    • B) Measure serum electrolytes
    • C) Perform an echocardiogram
    • D) Conduct a physical examination

    Correct Answer: C) Perform an echocardiogram
    Explanation: An echocardiogram helps assess heart function and structure, crucial for diagnosing heart failure or other cardiac conditions causing shortness of breath and edema.

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