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Letter to the Editor


Despite being an essential component of road safety infrastructure, many people do not respect zebra crossings and fail to follow traffic rules, which results in hazardous situations on the roads. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, sharing your concern, and examining the reasons for such behaviour. Provide suggestions for spreading awareness of rules and etiquettes involved, and ways to ensure adherence. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. You are Soma Baruah, a concerned city resident.


  • For awareness:
    • general public / educational institutions
    • how? – in person/ social media
    • dire consequences – self and others
  • Adherence:
    • fines & penalties
    • revoking driving licenses
    • strengthening traffic police force – monitoring resources and technology

Sample Letter to the Editor

Soma Baruah
Concerned City Resident

13th July 2024

The Editor
The Good Times

Subject: Urgent Need for Adherence to Zebra Crossing Rules and Traffic Regulations

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the rampant disregard for zebra crossings and traffic rules by many citizens, which has led to numerous hazardous situations on our roads. As an essential component of road safety infrastructure, zebra crossings are designed to protect pedestrians. Unfortunately, the lack of adherence to these rules endangers both pedestrians and drivers, causing preventable accidents and chaos.

To address this issue, it is crucial to initiate comprehensive awareness campaigns. These campaigns should target the general public and educational institutions, emphasizing the importance of following traffic rules and respecting zebra crossings. Utilizing both in-person sessions and social media platforms can effectively disseminate this information. Highlighting the dire consequences of non-compliance, such as accidents and fatalities, will help instill a sense of responsibility among citizens.

To ensure adherence to traffic rules, strict enforcement measures must be implemented. These measures should include imposing fines and penalties on offenders and revoking driving licenses for repeated violations. Additionally, strengthening the traffic police force with better monitoring resources and advanced technology will enhance their ability to enforce regulations effectively.

By combining awareness initiatives with stringent enforcement, we can cultivate a culture of respect for traffic rules and safety regulations. It is imperative that we act swiftly to safeguard the lives of our citizens and ensure a safer environment on our roads.

I urge the authorities to take immediate action in promoting road safety and enforcing adherence to traffic rules. Let us work together to create a safer and more responsible community.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.

Yours sincerely,
Soma Baruah
A Concerned City Resident.

How did we write this letter to the Editor?

This letter was crafted to address the critical issue of non-compliance with zebra crossing rules and traffic regulations. It followed the CBSE writing criteria, ensuring a clear and structured approach. The letter starts with the writer’s identification and date, followed by the recipient’s details and a succinct subject line. The main body of the letter includes:

  1. Introduction of the Problem: The writer’s concern about the disregard for zebra crossings and traffic rules.
  2. Awareness Campaigns: Suggestions for awareness initiatives targeting the general public and educational institutions, using both in-person and social media methods, and highlighting the consequences of non-compliance.
  3. Enforcement Measures: Recommendations for strict enforcement, including fines, revocation of driving licenses, and strengthening the traffic police force.
  4. Conclusion: A call to action urging authorities to promote road safety and enforce traffic rules.

The letter concludes with a formal sign-off, reflecting the writer’s genuine concern and urging immediate action. The additional “how this was written” paragraph explains the structure and thought process behind the composition, ensuring clarity and adherence to formal letter-writing standards.

Next: Letter to the Editor – Sample Lines

Written by englishmelon

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