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IBDP English A – Opinion Columns

Opinions are usually thoughtfully considered arguments about a controversial topic in which the writer takes a side or proposes a solution. Unlike other forms of text for mass consumption, the opinion piece does not pretend to be straight or unbiased. Although it may contain elements of concession or acknowledge the other side of the issue, the purpose of an opinion piece is to express an opinion in a convincing, persuasive or powerful way. An Op-Ed is a special type of opinion piece, normally shorter, which derived its name from its position opposite the editorial page. The op-ed carries the official position of the news institution on a topical issue of the day.

Sample Opinion

Title: Gender Equality Must Be Truly Inclusive: No Excuses for Partial Justice

Gender equality should not be a selective concept benefiting some while excluding others. It must be a comprehensive framework addressing the full spectrum of rights and challenges faced by all genders. No gender should be allowed to “bite only the soft part of the fruit,” enjoying privileges without embracing the responsibilities of true equality.

Achieving true gender equality means recognizing the rights and responsibilities of all individuals. As Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie asserts, “We should all be feminists” because “gender equality is not a zero-sum game.” For instance, while women have made strides in career advancement, men also face pressures linked to traditional gender roles, resulting in high mental health issues. The American Psychological Association notes that men are less likely to seek mental health services due to stigma. Michael Kimmel highlights that “The gender roles that are imposed on men and women create a prison for both genders.”

Gender equality must be intersectional, addressing interconnected challenges across race, class, and sexuality. Kimberlé Crenshaw emphasizes that “the most marginalized people are often the ones who are left behind.” For example, Black women in the U.S. earn only 63 cents for every dollar earned by white men. Similarly, policies should support same-sex couples and single parents.

Men face their own set of challenges. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reports men are three times more likely to die by suicide, partly due to societal expectations. Raewyn Connell argues, “Masculinity is not just about power; it’s about how men are taught to suffer in silence.” Addressing these issues is crucial for a balanced approach to gender equality.

Non-binary and transgender individuals face unique challenges. Laverne Cox points out, “Transgender people are often at the intersection of multiple forms of oppression.” A 2015 survey found 29% of transgender individuals had experienced homelessness, and 30% faced physical violence. Addressing their needs is essential for a truly inclusive gender equality movement.

The idea of enjoying the benefits of equality without facing associated challenges is fundamentally flawed. As bell hooks states, “Feminism is for everybody.” This means addressing barriers faced by all genders and ensuring comprehensive support systems. Advocating for more women in leadership roles should go hand in hand with addressing issues affecting men and non-binary individuals.

To achieve true gender equality, we must commit to an inclusive approach. This involves amplifying marginalized voices, challenging biases, and advocating for policies that support everyone. Malala Yousafzai reminds us, “We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced.” True equality requires substantive changes and support for all individuals, regardless of gender.

Gender equality must be inclusive of all rights and challenges. There is no excuse for any gender to enjoy equality’s benefits while avoiding its responsibilities. By adopting an inclusive approach, we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and live authentically. True equality is about justice, respect, and dignity for all.

Guiding Question: Comment on the arguments and techniques the writer uses to convince and entertain his audience.

Sample Response

The opinion article titled “Gender Equality Must Be Truly Inclusive: No Excuses for Partial Justice” argues for a comprehensive approach to gender equality that includes the rights and challenges faced by all genders. This analysis examines how the writer uses perspective, solid arguments, anecdotes, structure, register and tone, and concession to persuade and engage the audience.

The writer adopts a collective perspective by using inclusive language, predominantly “we” rather than “I.” This approach implies that the viewpoint expressed is widely shared, enhancing its credibility. For instance, phrases like “we must commit” and “there is no excuse” suggest a communal responsibility and align the reader with the writer’s perspective. This technique effectively establishes a shared sense of urgency and accountability, making the argument feel more universally relevant and compelling.

The writer supports the argument for inclusive gender equality with a range of solid evidence. The article cites relevant statistics to substantiate the claims, such as the wage gap experienced by Black women and high suicide rates among men. For example, it notes that Black women in the U.S. earn only 63 cents for every dollar earned by white men. The inclusion of such data lends credibility to the argument and provides a factual basis for the writer’s claims. Secondly, the opinion piece references quotes from well-known figures like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Michael Kimmel, which bolster the argument by incorporating authoritative voices. Adichie’s assertion that “gender equality is not a zero-sum game” supports the idea that gender equality should benefit everyone, not just one group at the expense of another.

While the article is well-supported by data and expert opinions, it also contains some assertions presented as facts, such as the claim that the notion of selective gender equality is fundamentally flawed. These assertions, while persuasive, are based on the writer’s interpretation of the data and expert views.

The opinion does not rely heavily on personal anecdotes but incorporates illustrative examples to make the issues more tangible. For instance, it discusses the societal pressures faced by men and the unique challenges of non-binary and transgender individuals. These examples serve as a means to connect abstract concepts with real-world experiences, thereby making the argument more relatable and engaging.

The article begins with a clear thesis that gender equality must be inclusive of all genders and their challenges. This sets the stage for the arguments that follow. The body of the article develops the main argument through a series of well-supported points, including the importance of addressing men’s issues, the need for an intersectional approach, and the specific challenges faced by non-binary and transgender individuals.

The article ends with a strong conclusion that reiterates the importance of inclusive gender equality. The final call to action reinforces the writer’s position and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

The article maintains a formal yet accessible register throughout. The tone is assertive and empathetic, aiming to motivate readers to support a more inclusive approach to gender equality. The use of direct language and rhetorical questions creates a sense of urgency and involvement. Phrases such as “we must commit” and “there is no excuse” convey a passionate and challenging tone, encouraging readers to reflect on their own role in achieving gender equality.

The article acknowledges potential counter-arguments by addressing the idea that gender equality might be convenient or selective. While it does not extensively concede to opposing views, it does refute these concerns by demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the issue. The writer acknowledges that gender equality is complex and multifaceted, thus enhancing the argument’s credibility by recognizing and addressing possible objections.

In summary, the writer of the opinion article employs a range of techniques to effectively persuade and engage the audience. By using a collective perspective, solid arguments supported by data and expert opinions, illustrative examples, a clear structure, and a formal yet passionate tone, the writer makes a compelling case for inclusive gender equality. The article’s structure and tone contribute to its effectiveness, while its acknowledgment of potential counter-arguments adds depth to the discussion.

How I Prepared This Analysis

To prepare this analysis of the opinion article titled “Gender Equality Must Be Truly Inclusive: No Excuses for Partial Justice,” I followed a systematic approach to dissect and understand the writer’s arguments and techniques. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Reading and Understanding the Article:
    • I began by thoroughly reading the opinion article to grasp its main arguments and perspectives. This involved noting key points, evidence, and rhetorical strategies used by the writer.
  2. Identifying the Perspective:
    • I examined how the writer presents their viewpoint. In this case, the use of inclusive language like “we” indicated a collective perspective, suggesting that the opinions expressed are shared by a broader group rather than just the writer’s personal view.
  3. Evaluating Solid Arguments:
    • I assessed the arguments presented in the article, focusing on the use of facts, statistics, and expert opinions. This included identifying specific data and quotes from authoritative sources that support the writer’s stance on gender equality.
  4. Analyzing the Use of Anecdotes:
    • Although the article did not heavily rely on personal anecdotes, I looked at how the writer used illustrative examples to make abstract concepts more relatable. This involved examining how these examples contributed to the overall argument.
  5. Assessing Structure:
    • I reviewed the article’s structure, noting how it introduced the topic, developed the main arguments, and concluded. This included analyzing how effectively the article built its case and reinforced its main points.
  6. Examining Register and Tone:
    • I considered the formal yet accessible register of the article and the tone used by the writer. I looked for elements such as assertiveness, empathy, and the use of rhetorical questions to engage the reader.
  7. Evaluating Concession:
    • I investigated whether the writer acknowledged opposing viewpoints or potential counter-arguments. I assessed how the writer addressed these concerns and whether any concessions were made to strengthen the argument.
  8. Synthesizing Findings:
    • I synthesized the findings from the above steps to create a comprehensive analysis. This involved summarizing how each technique and argument contributed to the effectiveness of the article in persuading and engaging the audience.

By following these steps, I ensured a thorough and nuanced analysis of the opinion article, focusing on how the writer used various techniques to present a compelling case for inclusive gender equality.

Written by englishmelon

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