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  • Is the World Becoming Weaker?

    A Critical Examination of Empowerment: Reassessing Our Priorities In recent decades, the world has witnessed a significant push towards empowerment, particularly concerning women. This movement, rooted in centuries of struggle for equality and justice, has undeniably led to transformative changes in society. However, as we stand at the crossroads of global safety, happiness, and mental […] More

  • IBDP English A Paper 2 – Comparative Essays

    Introduction to IBDP English A Paper 2 The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) English A Paper 2 is a key component of the Literature course, designed to assess students’ ability to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of literary texts. This examination challenges students to articulate their understanding of thematic concerns, stylistic features, and the […] More

  • Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead – Olga Tokarczuk

    As usual,  let’s start by feeling a “book-reading” to go deep into the novel. Here are all the 12 chapters of the novel with major incidents. Read well! It saves your time! Chapter-wise Summary Chapter 1: “Now Pay Attention” Janina Duszejko is woken up by her neighbor Oddball. Oddball informs her that their neighbor Big […] More

  • IBDP English A – Pastiche

    What is Pastiche? Pastiche is a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. Unlike parody, pastiche celebrates, rather than mocks, the work it imitates. It can be used to honor the original work, to study the original’s style and structure, or […] More

  • If This is a Man by Primo Levi – Lesson Plan

    Lesson Plan: If This is a Man by Primo Levi Time: 2-3 class sessions (each 60-90 minutes) Objective: To analyze the major themes and global issues in If This is a Man. To explore Levi’s use of language, structure, and style. To develop skills for textual analysis and essay writing. To connect the novel’s themes […] More

  • IBDP English A – Travel Writing 2

    Travel writing is not just a text type but rather a distinct category of writing. It encompasses a broad range of forms, from guidebook recommendations like Lonely Planet or Rough Guides to articles recounting personal experiences in unfamiliar locations, often enhanced with photography, maps, or diagrams. This genre can adopt a ‘literary’ tone, rich with […] More

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    IBDP English A – Advertisement

    Welcome to the easiest way to organize and write your Paper 1 Textual Analysis of an advertisement. At the end of this page, you will be fully ready to prepare your own analysis on any advertisement – commercial or otherwise using my specially designed method. Before we start applying this method, lets’ have a look […] More

  • IBDP English A – Recruitment Campaigns

    Recruitment Campaigns used to be frequently associated with wartime propaganda. Now, this genre can be used in a variety of contexts to encourage people to support a cause. A hybrid category of advertising and persuasion, recruitment campaigns would traditionally have been waged with pamphlets, leaflets, brochures and posters. Today, this text type is being driven […] More

  • IBDP Prescribed Literature 2024

    The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) includes a prescribed list of works for the Literature course, known as the Prescribed Literature in Translation (PLT) list. This list is updated periodically, but here are some commonly studied works from the list: European Literature “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “The Outsider” […] More

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