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  • English Booster

    Day 1 Present Tense Today’s questions and answers should be in Present Tense. Write 10 sentences about a place that you love to visit. Start: “I like to visit a small forest behind my primary school.” (Use only present tense – is, am, are, has, have, do, does). Day 2 Past Tense The Hidden Garden […] More

  • Phrasal Verbs

    Learn phrasal verbs to boost your language proficiency. Back off Meaning: To move away or stop being involved in a situation. Sample Sentences: The dog started growling, so I had to back off slowly. You need to back off and let her make her own decisions. The manager told the aggressive customer to back off. […] More

  • Idiomatic Expressions

    A blessing in disguise – Something good that isn’t recognized at first. A dime a dozen – Very common and not special. A piece of cake – Something very easy to do. A slap on the wrist – A mild punishment. Actions speak louder than words – People’s intentions can be judged better by what […] More