
OET Listening 09

Part  A | Questions 1 – 24

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12

You hear a doctor talking to a patient. For questions 1 to 12, complete the following notes. You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes.

  • Patient: Graham Bloomfield.
  • Reason for presenting: trouble with (1) ______________________.

Description of symptoms:

  • Experiences wheezing and breathlessness.
  • (2) _______________________________ a lot (3 weeks).
  • White (3) __________________________.
  • Thought it was a cold.
  • (4) _____________________________________ getting worse as weeks progressed.
  • Very worried when he is (5) _________________ able to take breath.
  • (6) _________________ are more frequent now.
  • Worse at night and in the morning.
  • (7) _________________________ did not go for work yesterday.
  • Chest tightness without pressing pain.

Precipitating Factors:

  • No known (8) ______________________ to dust.
  • No known use of drugs.

Further Factors:

  • Work has been intense.
  • (9) _________________________ has made him anxious.

Points to Consider:

  • (10) ___________________ had anything like this before.
  • Has no other known medical conditions.
  • First time being (11) _________________________.
  • Sister and mother has (12) __________________________.

Part A | Extract 2. Questions 13 to 24

You hear a physician talking to a patient. For questions 13 to 24, complete the following notes with a word or short phrase. You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes.

  • Patient: Barbara Roberts.
  • Age: 58

Difficulties experienced:

  • Terrible trouble with the stomach.
  • (13) __________________________________________ nearly all the time.
  • often times, feels (14) ___________________________________________.
  • Swings between (15) ________________________________ and constipation.
  • Cramping feeling (16) ___________________________.
  • Passes very smelly wind.
  • Onset of the condition: About (17) _________________________ ago.

Previous treatment and Investigation:

  • Started with (18) ________________________________________.
  • Took other medications including (19) ______________________________________.
  • Gastroscopy was performed.
  • (20) ____________________________________________ also administered.

Assessment of insight:

  • Feels (21) _________________________________________ pain, can’t be all in the head.
  • Thought it was an infection that had not cleared.
  • Sometimes wonders if it’s an (22) _______________________________.

Treatment Options:

  • Try to bring back few (23) ____________________________________.
  • (24) ____________________________________________ between the tablets that are helping and ones that aren’t.
  • Wait for 2-3 months for results to show.
  • Keep an eye on the symptoms.

Part B | Questions 25 to 30

25.1 You hear a nurse manager speak to his team. What need to be focused on?

  1. Effectively pacing the week ahead.
  2. Attending to the patients regularly.
  3. Nursing the completion of procedures.

25.2 The death of the patient last year was due to:

  1. Shortage of appropriate medicines.
  2. Failure with handover and documentation.
  3. Shortage of staff.

26. You hear a doctor discussing with a patient the complications of surgical procedure. The risk associated with the procedure are:

  1. Benign and can be corrected.
  2. Uncommon and problem-free.
  3. Varied but usually infrequent.
  1. You hear the head of a unit discussing a patient. Observation made on the patient is:
  1. Satisfactory according to the results.
  2. Encouraging for further treatment.
  3. Stable as per ongoing treatment.
  1. You hear a nurse brief about behavioural nursing. What is the purpose of the extract?
  1. To identify shortcomings in children
  2. To share school nursing experience
  3. To highlight a shortage of expertise.
  1. You hear a scientist deliver a talk on physical activities for children. What does he advocate?
  1. Repeat activities for specific areas.
  2. Minimize overuse of certain parts.
  3. Must play a variety of sports.
  1. You hear a talk by a nurse anesthetist. How do the mannequins respond to procedure?
  1. by alerting the nurses if vitals fluctuate.
  2. by being versatile to the presenting process.
  3. By mimicking the changes in ill patients.

Part C | Extract 1 Questions 31 to 36

  1. Mary describes the purpose of secondary suicide prevention is as:
  1. Reduce the number of news cases
  2. Bring down the attempts in an area
  3. Minimize the attempts by the suicidal
  1. Secondary suicide prevention is understated because:
  1. it is only starting to be applied in practice
  2. suicide is difficult to predict due to complexity
  3. Recent events lead to increased suicide
  1. Mary talks on the importance of suicide assessment because:
  1. psychiatric illness is a major contributing factor.
  2. it enables in the identification of the risk factors.
  3. it helps develop diagnosis and treatment methods.
  1. What must be done for subjective rating of severity of depression?
  1. Physicians should not hesitate to ask on suicidal ideation.
  2. Clinicians need to overcome obstacles in providing care.
  3. Additional information should be incorporated into assessment.
  1. Mary feels that suicide rates may be reduced by interventions like:
  1. legal restrictions that reduce access to harmless substances.
  2. psychological follow up and other methods including telephonic.
  3. therapies that address repetition of suicide thoughts and behavior.
  1. What is the increasing concern with digital media covering suicide?
  1. There are still many gaps in the research.
  2. It glamorizes suicide among the vulnerable.
  3. It provides accessible information for an attempt.

Extract 2 Question 37 to 42

Now look at extract two. Extract two. Questions 37 to 42. You now have 90 seconds to read questions 37 to 42. You have 90 seconds to read question 37 to 42.

  1. Samantha feels that prospects are high because:
  1. it has been proven effective for longevity.
  2. the effects of administration are long term.
  3. varied indicators of health can be influenced.
  1. What does the study of diet in mice identify:
  1. an influence of metabolic rate.
  2. effective way for increasing the hormone.
  3. the animals showed an increase in weight.
  1. Samantha opines the influence of protein is:
  1. minimal without high carbohydrate.
  2. in tandem with the carbohydrates.
  3. optimal with high carbohydrate.
  1. According to the excerpt, evidence from paradoxical conditions are:
  1. that reduced protein intake is crucial.
  2. teased apart for clarity on findings.
  3. studied for influence of insulin variation.
  1. What can be done to harness the potential of the hormone?
  1. Modify the diet and nutritional guidelines.
  2. Administration by means of chronic injection.
  3. Develop a mimetics for increased effectiveness.
  1. What can be said with certainty as per the expert?
  1. Everyone is in a race for an answer.
  2. The dynamics cannot be explained now.
  3. No one knows the mechanism of action.

That is the end of Part C. You now have two minutes to check your answers.

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