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OET Listening 1 – Martin Rush, Sally Winter, Mark, Bruce

Part A | Extract 1 – Questions 1 – 12

Name: Martin Rush


  • Troubled by severe (1) _______________ (especially after meals)
  • Brings up (2) _______________.
  • Frequent belching and burping.
  • Constantly feels (3) _______________.
  • Pain on (4) _______________.
  • Discomfort when lying down (especially at night).
  • No sickness or diarrhea.

Management of condition

  • Taking (5) ____________________________ (over the counter).
  • Dietary changes.
  • Reduced (6) _____________________________ intake.
  • Having a (7) ________________________ after dinner.

Patient Concerns

  • Worried that he may have (8) _______________________________.
  • doesn’t want to lose weight and fitness.
  • Effect on his job (9) ___________________________________ in the construction industry).
  • Anxious about the possible need for surgery.

Medical History

  • Childhood (10) _______________________________ food poisoning when travelling 4 years ago (Central Asia).
  • (11) ___________________________________ last year (whilst moving furniture).


  • On Ramipril for three years.
  • Regular ibuprofen for (12) ____________________________ pain.

Part A | Extract 1 – Questions 13 – 24

Patient: Sally Winter


  • Tingling pain in right arm below (13) ________________________________ commenced five years ago.
  • Pain sometimes extends to (14) _____________________________________.
  • Pain severe when cycling (braking and turning comers)
  • Unable to perform everyday tasks, (15) _____________________________.
  • (16) _________________________ described as weak.

Pain Management

  • Ice packs and resting the arm (no longer effective).
  • (17) _______________________________ advised by a friend (most effective)
  • Over-the-counter pain relief (for work).

Treatment by chiropractor

  • Ball squeezes.
  • Stretches with (18) _______________________________ on hand.
  • Lifting a weight up and down slowly.

Medical history

  • 19) _____________________________________ as a child.
  • (20) __________________________ two years ago (climbing holiday in Spain).
  • Episodes of (21) ______________________ over past five years linked to.
  • Relationship break-up.
  • Bereavement (brother died from (22) _________________________.

Patient’s Concerns

  • Unconvinced that physiotherapy will help
  • Would like treatment via (23) ____________________.
  • keen to discuss (24) _________________________ as a further option.

Part B | Extract 6, Questions 6

25. You hear a nurse talking to a patient whose six-month old baby is having childhood immunization. What is the nurse emphasizing?

  1. The fact that it’s a safe procedure.
  2. Which adverse reactions could be dangerous.
  3. The importance of the booster immunizations.
  1. You hear a pharmacist talking to a customer about an emergency contraceptive. What is the patient’s main concern?
  1. Feeling ill at work
  2. Vomiting after taking the pill
  3. obtaining a second prescription
  1. You hear a practice manger talking to a physiotherapist who is about to carry out a home visit. What should the physiotherapist do before he leaves the practice?
  1. Find out why the patient hasn’t attended treatment sessions
  2. Ensure that the patient’s paperwork is up to date
  3. Inform a family member of his intended visit
  1. You hear an occupational therapist talking to a patient who has recently suffered a stroke. The patient is worried that the spasms in his hand will:
  1. affect his mobility
  2. worsen over time.
  3. lead to an injury.
  1. You hear a GP talking to a patient at a community practice. The patient wants to establish whether:
  1. She can accompany her daughter on future visits.
  2. She’s entitled to information about her daughter.
  3. Her daughter was informed about her rights.
  1. You hear a senior nurse talking to the staff at a care home about the use of hoists. What is she highlighting?
  1. The importance of documenting a procedure
  2. The difficulty in maintaining patient safety
  3. The complexity of the training required

Part C | Extract 1 – Questions 31 – 36

  1. Mark says that the needle and syringe vaccination method needs to be updated because:
  1. Patients are complaining that it’s too painful.
  2. It’s becoming less effective in protecting against new diseases.
  3. People are not being immunized because they are frightened of needles.
  1. M ark says the Nano patch is particularly successful at delivering vaccines due to:
  1. The size of the equipment that’s needed.
  2. The way the substance is delivered.
  3. The material from which it’s made.
  1. What does Mark see as a key advantage of the Nano patch?
  1. It requires a lower dose.
  2. It triggers a faster reaction.
  3. It offers complete protection.

34. Mark thinks that the low cost of the Nano patch means that:

  1. The range of diseases targeted could be expanded.
  2. More funding will be made available for research.
  3. Lethal viruses will become a thing of the past.
  1. What challenges with transporting needles and syringes does Mark identify?
  1. Liquid evaporating in high temperatures.
  2. Maintaining constant temperature.
  3. The need for specialized vehicles.
  1. Papua New Guinea was chosen for the Nano patch trials mainly because:
  1. Its healthcare system required support.
  2. It has unreliable power supplies.
  3. It has high rates of HPV.

Part C | Extract 2 – Questions 37 – 42

37. Bruce’s team decided to set up the project because they wanted:

  1. To contribute to research on dementia.
  2. To influence public attitudes towards dementia.
  3. to find ways of managing dementia more efficiently.
  1. Why did Bruce encourage his patients to see an audiologist?
  1. To enable more people to use their equipment properly.
  2. So that they could access a wider range of entertainment.
  3. Because auditory impairment is linked to intellectual decline.
  1. Bruce says that learning a new language can benefits patients by:
  1. Forming strong connections in the brain.
  2. Building confidence in acquiring expertise.
  3. Providing opportunities for social interaction.
  1. What does Bruce say is the best thing about the activity groups his team have set up?
  1. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. They encourage people to spend time outdoors.
  3. They address many of the risk factors simultaneously.
  1. In the immediate future, Bruce’s team aims to:
  1. Promote the project beyond the local area.
  2. Increase the scope of their own local project.
  3. Invite neighbouring practices to join their project.
  1. How does Bruce feel about the outcome of the project?
  1. Optimistic regarding its wider relevance.
  2. Disappointed that it hasn’t been taken more seriously.
  3. Cautious about drawing any specific conclusions from it.

End of Listening 01 | Contact for Answers.

Written by englishmelon

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